
Customer Experience Transformation


We use deep customer insights to create processes and mechanisms that evolve and expand the customer experience - from creating a CX vision, designing CX initiatives and branding, to customer experience operations.


Customer Experience Surveys

Customer experience transformation begins with understanding the current customer experience (CX). We first use a "Current CX Assessment Survey" to understand how customer sentiment is evolving over time, before setting priorities in the CX transformation process. If conditions make surveys difficult to conduct, we use interviews and workshops to obtain comparable results.


CX Vision & Strategy

Your brand is your promise to your customer, and CX delivers on that promise. To provide a coherent customer experience throughout the organization, we must define a "CX Vision" consistent with the brand and which supports the intended customer experience. But this intended customer experience cannot be achieved simply by sharing a CX vision. Based on our "CXM Maturity Assessment," we can help you create a "CXM Roadmap" and provide a step-by-step approach to CX transformation while improving customer experience management capabilities in your organization.


Customer Insights

Most of what we see referred to as "insights" is simply information summarized from data, or assumed knowledge from existing perspectives. To derive “fresh insights,” it’s important to reframe and understand reality from a different perspective. mct’s innovation research combines various methods of understanding reality to gain insights that impact the future.


CX Design

To deliver a tactile experience in line with the CX vision, it’s essential to have a design that considers customer goals and touchpoints. mct’s CX Design supports the visualization and reliable delivery of specific design ideas related to the customer experience, such as branding, service design, and UX/UI design. We will help you organize the essential components and requirements to achieve your ideas, and assist you with the prototyping process to create the experience your customers seek.


CX Operations

It’s difficult for a company to achieve a CX vision if efforts are limited to one or two departments. To develop CX across an organization, mct helps you compose a "CX Ecosystem" to view the overall situation. We then use tools such as service blueprints to help design a process and structure for delivering a consistent CX. mct can also advance the digitalization and systemization of CX operations at your company by introducing a Design System, Design Ops, and Research Ops. These contribute to an overall knowledge database for accumulating and utilizing your organization’s gained knowledge.


CX Measurement

A Customer Experience Diagram which visualizes the customer experience can help you evaluate your company's CX initiatives. How much has customer experience improved through the product or service? Which measures are enhancing the customer experience? Which measures aren’t? What factors are getting in the way? We shine a light on the answers to these questions, and support the selection and prioritization of follow-up initiatives.


Customer Experience Management Maturity Assessment

The "CXM Maturity Assessment" diagnoses your company's current CXM capabilities along six axes: Vision & Strategy, Customer Insights, CX Design, CX Measurement, Governance, and Culture. This tool will help you create a "CXM Roadmap" by prioritizing which axes and which issues require immediate attention, and to direct steady improvement of CXM capabilities based on the current status of your organization.

Let’s transform your business together!

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