
Business Design

We explore business needs and opportunities, verify ideas, and support the development and promotion of new businesses.

When pursuing new business development, a variety of challenges may arise, such as budget constraints, lack of human resources and know-how, uncertainty around which areas to address, and confusion about how to proceed with ideas. mct helps your team effectively work through such issues over the entire development process, from opportunity search and initial ideation, to hypothesis testing and brushing up solutions. Our comprehensive support enables companies to take solid steps towards launching new businesses successfully. 


For companies to remain competitive, they must keep an eye on developing products and services that respond to market changes. The importance of business design is that it centers this activity around deep customer insights. With design thinking and lean startup approaches as the foundation, teams can minimize risk while refining business ideas through iterative cycles of building and testing. It also encourages the growth of team members, fostering internal capabilities for developing new businesses.

Comprehensive support from opportunity exploration and initial ideation, to prototype verfication. We help you come up with new value with a process grounded in design thinking, and support medium to long-term validation efforts based on the lean startup philosophy. We focus on the business development itself,  as well as internal promotion of the project, and the development of human resource capabilities as a result of doing the project.

Able to make decisions about what to do next and where to go

In a new business venture, there is always the question of which direction to take.
With mct's support, you can make decisions to move forward or change course with confidence, based on both the team's thoughts and an objective point of view.

Ability to design and execute appropriate hypothesis testing based on customer insights

New business is a repetitive process of hypothesis building and testing, and the success of a new business depends on the execution of each step. By receiving support for design and execution from the perspective of "who, what, and how to verify, and what was learned from the results,this enables us to conduct hypothesis testing with a high degree of accuracy and a sense of conviction.

Growing the team and personnel as we move forward with our initiatives.

This solution is not just a simple external resource.Lectures on concepts and tools are provided as needed, and learning through practice fosters human resources and teams that can autonomously promote new businesses.

Search for opportunities and test initial hypotheses

When setting out to develop a new business, often times a project stalls because the scope has been defined too broadly, and it's not clear where to start. We can help establish business themes with an appropriate scope and set of initial ideas to be considered, which leads more clearly to prototyping phases and business realization.


Process & Approach
1. Initial idea generation based on the theme
Establish tentative business theme in accordance with project objectives and business issues. Conduct a follow-up workshop to review and set subthemes within which to gather examples and trends, and generate business ideas.

2. Verification of initial ideas
Create simple prototypes for each idea (e.g. idea sheet) which sufficiently expresses the value, and use with simple validation interviews.  Verify potential  in terms of customer value and business value.

3. Evaluation of project themes
Based on results from verification, revisit the business theme. If necessary, the business theme and initial ideation should be done again to generate ideas with greater potential.


Assess acceptability of proposed solutions and revise value proposition

If you want to know how your hypothesis/idea will be accepted by customers, or if you need support on how to verify multiple ideas,  it is critical to generate early feedback from users on the solutions themselves as well as customer issues and underlying values.  


Process & Approach
1. Organize perspectives on how to verify solutions
Organize solutions by customer segment, issues, value, etc., and identify specific points to be verified.

2. Prepare prototypes for verification
Prepare prototypes (e.g. idea sheet, storyboards) for testing, aligned with the points to be verified, and use as part of in-depth interviews.

3. Visualize UX and functional elements
With the results from user interviews, you should be able to clarify the customer issues and alue proposition, in order to then define the customer experience to be provided for MVP testing.  Confirm any additional MVP requirements and organize the UX/functional points required for the experience. 

Medium to long-term support

Considering the issues that tend to cause these kind of projects to stagnate, such as lack of human resources and know-how, mct can support your team into the medium and long-term, providing project management and step-by-step guidance to ensure issues are addressed while maintaining momentum.


Process & Approach
1. Organize issues to be tested next in the hypothesis testing cycle
We accompany the project over the mid to long-term, helping to accumulate and organize learnings about business theme and customer issues through iterations of definition, ideadion, and verification. From these  results, we provide identify next steps and how to proceed.

2. Create prototypes (e.g. LPs, mock-ups) necessary for MVP verification
Depending on the project state, low or high resolution prototypes should be considered for the level of verification needed. Seamless collaboration with the design team is critical to deliver the right prototypes for more accurate verification of testing points.
