
Global Growth

We extract deep insights about local context and local customers to help differentiate brands, products, and CX.

When it comes to taking your offerings to foreign markets, localized adaptations to branding, product development, and CX are extremely important considerations.
It's highly unlikely that the playbook for success in Japan will yield the same results abroad, due to different cultural contexts and societal backgrounds between countries and regions. People's values, behaviors, and needs are shaped by a complex web of factors, such as religion, customs, political history, and economic conditions.
If a organization's strategy is developed without consideration for local context, there is a greater risk of being met with indifference or even distrust. A superficial understanding of the local context may help gain a basic level of trust among customers, but may not be enough to create a strong impression or differentiation from competitors.


This is where exploring local context to generate insights from a deep understanding becomes important. Through ethnographic research and other similar methods, a comprehensive understanding of local people (e.g. behavioral patterns, ways of thinking, needs, concerns) can be acquired. Differentiation strategies that align with local conditions can be identified, and applied to branding, product development, and CX design.
This can help create stronger impressions and greater trust with customers, contributing to brand penetration, sales expansion, and customer loyalty. In short, it is an essential piece for winning in global markets.

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Overseas Branding

Entering a foreign market requires an approach that adapts to local culture and market characteristics. mct helps companies penetrate local markets by supporting  supporting essential elements such as  branding, product development, and customer experience (CX) design. Deeply understanding local context and obtaining key customer insights, you can move beyond superficial differentiation towards one that lives and resonates with local customers. By knowing what customers want and why, you can know what customers expect from your company, and use this to develop more effective branding strategies. This allows your company to increase brand awareness and become deeply engrained in the minds of customers.


Process & Approach
A brand represents the emotional and psychological expectations people have around using that brand's products and services.
Since brand value is shaped in the customer's mind, start by understanding the brand image held by local customers, the factors behind it, and what they are seeking. Then think about what the brand wants to be, in the local market, as it expands to overseas markets, and how this all fits together. By exploring the relationship between what the local customers want and what the brand is aiming for, the company can optimize its brand strategy.

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Concept Development for Overseas Markets

Adapting concepts to the local culture and market characteristics is a key factor to succeed in overseas markets. mct helps you increase competitiveness by supporting development of product concepts based on local context and deep customer insights. Understanding specific functions and value local customers seek, and clarifying the kind of relationship customers expect to have, it's possible to develop concepts that resonate.
It's important to understand both functional and emotional value proposition. Product development that not only incorporates specific functions, but also points of emotional satisfaction, to enable brand attachment and result in greater customer satisfaction.


Process & Approach
While customer needs can generally be understood from large-scale market research reports, it's necessary to understand people's values and context at a deeper level to really dial in the meaning of products and services that resonate with local customers. It becomes necessary to gain insights from a complex context of lifestyles and behaviors, political and economic conditions, all connected layers of meaning and ways of thinking.
Seeking a deeper understanding not only helps R&D teams to incorporate learnings into specific solutions, but also the marketing team to launch initiatives to develop and sell the products locally. Therefore, it is necessary for all parts to have the opportunities and processes which allow for sufficient discussion of both functional emotional values based on deep customer insights.

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Overseas CX Design

CX design based on the context and deep local insights of the local market is an essential part towards differentiating yourself from the competition, and gaining the trust of customers. mct understands how to look at customers experiences of products and services, what their expectations are, and how to design consistent experiences, from the pre-purchase formation of initial expectations to the post-purchase follow-up behaviors. 
Through ethnographic research and customer journey mapping, mct analyzes customer behavior patterns and psychological needs in detail to build market-appropriate strategies. We enable companies to accurately identify customer pain points and to develop CX which addresses them.


Process & Approach
Even with the same product or service, the customer experience desired by Japanese customers and overseas customers is different. Customers' values and expectations are shaped by an interplay of various factors such as lifestyle, culture, customs, religions, political situations, and economic conditions.
In addition to the customers themselves, there are local stakeholders with their own unique circumstances. People who invest in the offering, involved in sales, or in service delivery all have a significant impact on the overall value potential. When developing business overseas, it is important to take these factors into account when designing strategies and initiatives for the locally-relevant customer experience (CX) you want to provide.

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