
Orgnizational Design

Based on employee insights, we can increase employee satisfaction and organizational performance through areas such as CX Management, fostering organizational culture, and acquiring customer-centric problem-solving capabilites.

Today's corporate environment is changing at an unprecedented pace, with advances in technology, shifting globalization, and diversification of consumer needs. For organizations to successfully respond, flexibility and adaptability are essential characteristics.
However, organizations typically struggle with this due to static decision-making processes and corporate values that aren't shared throughout the company.
To become a more proactive organization, employees need to share an understanding of company's vision and the culture that is valued. Based on this, it is important to create systems which place employee experience (EX) as a key element to the organization's success.
Through approaches such as vision-making,  the creation of a culture code,  and intentional EX design, organizational design builds an organizational structure that can effectively respond to change, enabling organizational flexibility and resilience. As a result, employee engagement and performance can also improve. A defined culture also fosters a sense of organizational unity, further supporting teams to pursue sustainable growth.

Drawing up goals

・Vision-making workshops

Developing human resources

・Design thinking training

・Effectuation training

・Facilitation training

・Training in the use of the online tool Miro

Fostering culture

・Team building workshops

・Co-creation training

・Inner branding PJ

Create a system

・Creative routines

・Culture code design

・Creating a structure for remote teams

・Knowledge management

・CX management

・Office design

Fostering Human Resources

Design Thinking Training
Design thinking is not just a skill for creative departments. It's an essential skill for staff in any department, at any level of experience, from first-years to back-end employees. As the concept of "design management" gains attention, it's a critical skill to have at the management level as well.
The design thinking training offered by mct is characterized by its hybrid approach to theory and practice. We provide the latest developments in design thinking theory, while also offering experiential learning through exercises and workshops.


Process & Approach
The training is centered around a workshop using a mock theme, where participants learn design thinking through practice. The workshop begins with design research, including observation and interviews, and continues with ideation and prototyping to give shape to insights.


  1. Introduction to Design Thinking: Lecture on basic mindsets and techniques
  2. Mock Exercises Workshop: From problem exploration to ideation
  3. Reflection: Systematic review and consolidation of learning experience

Cultivating Culture

Team Building Workshops
In the context of rapid and dramatic change, organizations are  no longer required to be machine-like in the pursuit of accuracy and efficiency in their existing businesses. Rather they need to be flexible enough to respond opportunistically in an uncertain environment. In this context, team building is receiving greater attention as an agenda item by corporations.
mct offers an approach to team building that includes a variety of topics, including employee mindset, motivation, collaboration, organizational culture, and individual workstyles.


Process & Approach
Our team building workshops are designed as project-based activities which produces a tangible outcome in addition to the experience. This is a mechanism which emphasizes the team as a means to an end, and not simply the end in itself. Starting with individual sharing to then work towards mutual understanding among team members, progress through projects expands team performance while also aiming to increase the psychological safety of the team dynamics.


<Sample of Mock Project>
  1. Create a vision for your team and express it through visuals and sound.
  2. 料理やアートづくりを通じてチームビルディングを行う

Putting Mechanisms into Place

Culture Code Design
A culture code is like a set of guidelines that reflects and directs the culture of an organization. It is similar to a code of conduct, but rather than detailing specific behaviors, it defines general concepts that the organization values as critical to its culture. A successful culture code not only empowers employees in their daily activities, but also creates a sense of connection between members. When creating a culture code, everyone will think about what they want their company to be like, and how they want to work, and the process itself has the effect of increasing team engagement.


Process & Approach
The process is typically offered as a series of five workshops for team members to participate in together.


  1. Identify and organize current strengths and weaknesses.
  2. Think about the past, and explore the organization's identity from its beginnings.
  3. With an understanding of the present and the past, think about what kind of future is desired and why.
  4. Formulate this ideal future into a culture code statement.
  5. Think about how to implement the culture code.
