CX Design
We will help create mechanisms to evolve and expand customer experience, from the development of a CX Vision based on deep customer insights, to the planning of CX operations.
In today's competitive environment, being intentional about your customer experience (CX) is a critical factor in a company's success. mct recognizes this and helps clients design CX based on deep customer insights to enhance a company's brand and differentiate it from the competition.
We provide total support, from setting an overall company-wide 'CX Vision' through discussions and workshops, to designing and implementing strategic CX initiatives based on insights from deep customer research, and fostering a corporate culture around continuous CX awareness to improve CX over the long term. There are six core capabilities in designing for CX, and while all six must be addressed, we help clients prioritize these according to variables such as importance, difficulty, and budget.
Define a CX strategy that outlines the customer experience and share the strategy with employees.
• CX vision formulation workshop
Customer Understanding
Gain deep insights into customer behavior, goals, and emotions
• CX current situation diagnostic survey + interview
• CX current situation analysis workshop
Use customer insights to devise measures and create prototypes
• CX measure development workshop
• Service blueprint development
Measure and analyze the results of CX initiatives and understand the impact of CX on revenue.
• Design a CX measurement method
Build, share, and implement a governance model for realizing CX.
• Set principles and rules for CX governance
We aim to foster a customer-centric culture and create an organization where employees can improve CX autonomously.
• CX training
• Culture code formulation workshop
Defining a CX Vision
CX Vision Development Workshop
Define a strategy for CX which outlines the customer experience, and share internally with employees. A 'CX Vision' summarizes the ideal CX the organization aims to provide. It serves as the North Star for all employees to inspire, mobilize, and align departments and functions within the organization towards a clear customer-centric objective.
Based on the company's business strategy, brand, and current customer experience, define the ideal state of CX that the organization should seek to provide (= CX Vision). Repeated discussions in a workshop format can help to instill a common understanding and shared investment among project members.
![CXビジョンの定義イラスト画像 CXビジョンの定義イラスト画像](
Process & Approach
1. Review the current situation
• Look at the company’s purpose, vision, and values with the experiences currently offered to customers, and identify what matches (GoodCX) and what doesn’t (BadCX).
2. Identify key elements for the CX Vision
• From the GoodCX and BadCX examples, each person selects key elements (= things that must be done, or not done, to realize the "ideal customer experience").
• Interpret the meaning of these experiences for customers.
• Think of ideas to trial in order to realize the "ideal customer experience".
• Discuss and prioritize what must be done to realize the "ideal customer experience".
3. Finalize the CX Vision description
• Each member writes out a draft version of the CX Vision statement based on the defined key elements.
• Review drafts together, vote to select the most promising draft, and refine wording.
Capture Customer Insights
CX Status Assessment Questionnaire + Interview
Customer insights are the foundation for building a strategic CX. We help companies seek deep insights into essential areas such as customer behaviors, preferences, motivations, goals, and pain points. Taking this further, we aim to help companies achieve a state where customer insights permeate day-to-day decisions, from management to front-line employees.
Through surveys and interviews with customers, employees, and stakeholders, we will help you see how well CX is penetrating your company and the ways it is actually being implemented.
![顧客インサイトの獲得イラスト画像 顧客インサイトの獲得イラスト画像](
Process & Approach
• Gather current policies, management vision, strategy, brand promises, etc., and organize information about customers such as past research and purchase data.
• Considering the current customer touchpoints, identify hypotheses of "GoodCX" and "BadCX" that customers may have experienced.
2. Conduct CX surveys and qualitative research (interviews and observations)
• Using the hypotheses around toucpoints, design and conduct questionnaires and interviews to customers, stakeholders, and employees (e.g. Sales/CS Center)
• Explore opportunities by researching other industries and different kinds of competitors that have excellent CX.
3. Basic analysis (preparing for current situation analysis workshop)
• Organize information from the previous actions and conduct preliminary analysis in preparation for the workshop for analyzing the current situation.
CX Design
CX Meausres Ideation Workshop
We will identity key points (MOTs) that should be prioritized for the improvement of CX, and generate ideas that include a focus on customer emotions, rather than just functionality. We also consider what is needed to practically realize improvements, including internal deployment.
Through workshops using customer journey maps, we will identify MOTs that determine the quality of the customer experience, and generate ideas for initiatives that should be implemented accordingly. From this, an ideal journey map can be made which shows all MOTs and CX improvements together in an overall experience, which can be shared among all involved parties to further align efforts.
![CXデザインイラスト画像 CXデザインイラスト画像](
Process & Approach
1. Identify MOTs (Moments of Truth)
•Review your journey map(s) and make sure all participants understand the current customer emotions and behaviors that are shown.
•Identify MOTs (= points that need to be focused on) on the journey map(s).
•Using the framework, identify 2-3 MOTs that should be addressed based on the goals of the "CX Vision" and priorities from the earlier assessment of the current CX situation.
2. Generate ideas for CX initiatives
・Think of ideas for internal measures to improve customer relations in MOT. Example: "Create a brand movie" etc.
3. Create a 'To Be' journey map
・Create a journey map detailing the ideal experience, containing high-priority initiatives and when they should occur.
CX Measurement
CX Measurement Design
To monitor the impact of CX, select measurement methods and targets for each initiative. CX measurement promotes a data-driven approach rather than a stop-gap approach. If the organization's capabilities to handle data is underdeveloped, it is also necessary to establish a 'data culture'. With measurement methods and targets in place, verification results will guide decisions about next steps. By measuring whether an initiative has changed customer behaviors and emotions, and how much has been achieved through implementation, you can effectively link to future initiatives.
![CX測定イラスト画像 CX測定イラスト画像](
Process & Approach
1. Consider measurement methods and targets
• Determine where in the journey measurement should be done (e.g. high-priority MOTs)
• Determine how measurement should be done and performance targets from three perspectives: Interaction, Perception, and Outcomes (Behaviors/Emotions/Results)
• In addition to evaluation for each initiative, select an evaluation index for the entire CX (e.g. NPS)
2. Prepare and implement initiatives
• Determine the details of each initiative, implementation period, and roles of members involved in its implementation
3. Measurement and decisions about next steps
• Measure effectiveness of initiatives and decide on whether revisions are needed, and what next steps should be taken
- デジタルツールMedalliaやZendeskを活用し、企業は多様なチャネルから収集した顧客の声を分析することが可能に。CX向上と収益拡大を実現するための最新のテクノロジー活用法を解説します。
- イベント告知
Takeshi Sato
株式会社mct ストラテジスト
- 顧客の声(VoC)を活用しCXを向上させる方法を、全3回にわたって紹介するシリーズブログ。 第2回目は、VoCを活用するための組織のあり方についてご紹介します。
- イベント告知
Takeshi Sato
株式会社mct ストラテジスト
- 顧客の声(VoC)を活用しCXを向上させる方法を、全3回にわたって紹介するシリーズブログ。 第1回目は、VoCプログラムにおいて、重要な3つの機能について解説します。
- イベント告知
Takeshi Sato
株式会社mct ストラテジスト
- リーバイスはジーンズ製造における環境負荷削減に積極的に取り組んでいます。彼らのサステナビリティに対する姿勢は、自社だけでなくジーンズにまつわるステークホルダー全体を巻き込むアプローチになります。私たちはこのような製品のライフサイクルを可視化するデザインアプローチをプロダクトジャーニーマップと呼んでいます。
- サスティナビリティ
Fumihiro Shimono
株式会社mct デザインストラテジスト