Last weekend, mct took part in hosting the NELIS organization’s Next Leaders' Summit in Tokyo. NELIS is a organization that is working towards creating a ecologically and socially sustainable future. They believe that through connecting sustainability practitioners across the world in a collaborative network, will humanity be able to shift towards a more humane and ecologically sound model of social and economic development.
(訳)先週末に、mctはNELIS(Next Generation leadership)の東京でのサミットに参加しました。NELISは環境に優しく、社会にサスティナブルな未来を考えている組織です。彼らはサスティナビリティを実行し、その活動を共有することで人々がもっと環境を考え社会的、経済的に成長することを目指しています。
The Summit brought 35 young sustainability leaders from six continents and explored alternative paths to a better future! There were 20+ presentations and workshops across the two main days of the Summit. During which, many exciting and new ideas were shared and created. This blog post highlights some of the best moments across the 3 days.
Leaders Gathering and networking
NELIS members and the 35 young sustainability leaders gathered in mct’s CHIKA for a welcome event which included team building, speech preparation and of course, drinks. We started with a ritual where members shared their goals and motivation for the event and the future of the world. Each member planted a seed with their message into a pot, which we hope will grow into a tree that inspires and starts a movement.
Safina Minney
One of the most engaging speakers to take the stage at the Summit was Safia Minney who is the founder of People Tree (although no longer CEO), a pioneering sustainable and Fair Trade fashion label with a mission to provide customers with beautiful clothes. She has also co-authered the book, Naked Fashion, The Sustainable Fashion Revolution.
In her speech, she shared her experience of starting a fair trade, sustainable fashion labels and how her focus on resolving social issue had attracted impressive collaborators to join the cause.
20 years ago, she opened the first People Tree store in Tokyo as a business that can produce clothes that are both financially fair to the producers throughout the supply chain as well as being ecologically sustainable. As one of the pioneer of sustainable clothing, the brand attracted media and public attention. One of whom, Vogue Japan came to them with a potential collaboration project. They recognized the importance and the potential of People Tree but felt it lacked style and design appeal which is critical to fashion business. A collaboration project was set up to match 4 designers Thakoon, Richard Nicoll, Bora Aksu and Foundation Addict to create exclusive Fair Trade fashion pieces bearing their names.
(訳)最も熱いスピーカーの一人にSafia Minneyがいました。彼女はPeople Treeというサスティナブルを主義としているファッションブランドの創業者で、消費者に美しくてフェアトレードである衣服を提供しています。彼女はまた、 Naked FashionやThe Sustainable Fashion Revolutionの著者としても有名です。
20年前、彼女はファッションのPeople Treeを東京に初出店しました。生産者に対してフェアで経済的にもサスティナブルなビジネスでした。サスティナブルなファッションのパイオニアとして、当時ブランドはメディアや出版業界の注目を浴びました。彼らの活動に注目したVogue Japanは興味深いコラボレーションを試みました。彼らはPeople Treeの重要性やポテンシャルを認識していましたが、ファッションビジネスにおいて重要である、商品のスタイリングやデザインについてPeople Treeまだ十分ではないと感じていました。そこで4人のデザイナーThakoon, Richard Nicoll, Bora Aksu, Foundationに他に類を見ないフェアトレードファッションをデザインしてもらうことで、彼らの名をも有名にしました。
Bora Aksu x People Tree
More recently, Emma Watson approached People Tree on a similar project where she became the ambassador of their brand so that she could help promote the cause to people in her age group.
People Tree has shown that by becoming a leader in a social cause, its attracts the attention of collaborators that would otherwise be out of reach.
(訳)最近ではエマ・ワトソンがPeople Treeにアプローチをして、アンバサダーになり、彼女と同じ年代の人々に影響を与えています。People Treeは社会問題においてリーダー的存在となり、様々な人の関心を惹きつけコラボレーションをしています。
Kazunari Taguchi
On the second day, we had the chance to hear from the founder of Borderless Japan, Kazunari Taguchi. He started the group which is a collective of social businesses that works together by having a shared profit bank from which they make new investments into new social business ideas. The idea is to lower the hurdle for social entrepreneurs by supporting them (financially as well as other forms of support) and accelerating social change through entrepreneurship.
He shared one case study Borderless Farm which is a business that turned around the fortune of one farming community in Myanmar. Borderless Japan identified a farming community in Linlea village who was increasingly under pressure to produce vegetables for cheaper price. In order to do so, they had become trapped in a cycle of using chemicals to enhance yields. This, however was unsustainable in the long run, as they needed more and more chemicals as they damaged the soil from the very same chemicals.
(訳)スピーチの中でBorderless Farmというミャンマーの成功事例を紹介してもらいました。Borderless JapanはLinlea村で野菜を安い価格で生産しなくてはならないというプレッシャーに苦しんでいるコミュニティでした。そのため、彼らはより多くの野菜を作成しようと多くの農薬を使うようになっていました。しかしそれはもちろん長期的に見てサスティナブルな解決法だとは言えません。当時は残念ながら土を汚染しているにもかかわらず、彼らはどんどん農薬を使うようになっていきました。
Borderless Japan started to help this community by shifting from chemical to organic produce, as that was the only viable way to grow crops without further damaging the soil. They turn their attention to herbs which could grow in conditions that other plants could not. Once they achieved a successful yield, they turned to marketing, where they identified pregnant and breast feeding mothers as a potential target - such mothers can not drink caffeine as it would transmit to their babies. As a result, Borderless Japan created AMOMA Tea which is caffeine free and organic. It proved to be massively popular among pregnant and breast feeding mothers and is still the number one product in this category on Rakuten.
(訳)ボーダレスジャパンはコミュニティがオーガニックな野菜を作ることができるようにサポートを始めました。それが唯一、土を汚さずに野菜を作る方法だからです。彼らは野菜ではなく、悪いコンディションでも育つことができる強いハーブを育てることを選択しました。ハーブを育てることに成功したら、彼らはマーケティングを検討した結果、子供達へのカフェインの影響を考えてお茶を飲むことができない、妊娠中や母乳を与えなくてはいけない母親がポテンシャルのあるターゲットユーザーと考えました。結果、ボーダレスジャパンはカフェインレスでオーガニックなAMOMA Teaというブランドを立ち上げました。たちまちブランドはターゲットの間で人気となり、日本で人気のある通販サイト楽天で人気のある商品となったのです。
It was fascinating to hear a transformation of a community that was trapped in a poverty cycle to a one that is now part of a supply chain that creates a best selling product. The process led the team to focusing on the only produce they could cultivate on their field which were organic herbs. Borderless Japan managed to take this resource and identify an opportunity.
Connecting with nature
The summit ended with a spiritual activity lead by Lucas Sanchez - an artist who works in the sustainability space - who guided members into experience being a ’tree’. Half of the members made made their bodies into a tree and imagined themselves as a tree while the other members become the rain, wind, insects, birds, mammals and human beings that surrounds and lives within the forest. This meditative experience gave us a chance to take a moment to be removed from our daily concerns and engage with nature in a new way.
(訳)サミットはLucas Sanchezのスピリチュアルな儀式で幕を閉じました。彼はサスティナビリティのための活動をラテンアメリカ中心に行っています。彼は参加者全員に「木になる」経験をさせてくれました。参加者の半分は木になり、残り半分のメンバーは雨、風、昆虫、鳥、動物、人間となり森に住む環境を作り上げました。この瞑想のような経験によって我々は日常から抜け出し、新しい道に向けた自然への関心を強めることができたのです。
Social Innovation Bootcamp
At mct, we have a program called Social Innovation Bootcamp which is a program that precisely supports corporations identify and find a solution to big societal issues. Today, there are massive opportunities for businesses to create profitable models that also solves social issues. Consumers now appreciates businesses that have wider impact that goes beyond their personal benefit from the purchase. At the same time, companies that only contributes through philanthropy are increasingly seen as irrelevant and out of date. Social Innovation Bootcamp is a program provided in partnership with NELIS where we will bring in suitable social issue experts to help identify and understand the issue in depth. mct will bring our expertise in helping to create creative solutions that is supported by research and relevant to your business.
If you are interested in hearing more about the Social Innovation Bootcamp, please feel free to contact us.
(訳)mctでは、Social Innovation Bootcampという企業が社会問題に対する解決策を見出すための的確なサポートをするプログラムを提供しています。今日、社会問題を解決しつつ利益を生み出すようなビジネスの機会が確実に増えています。個人の消費から得る利益ではなく、もっとインパクトの大きいビジネスに、顧客は感謝を感じるようになっています。同時に、利益を生まない慈善活動だけをするような企業は意味がない、時代遅れだという声もあるようです。Social Innovation Bootcamp のプログラムはNELISとのパートナーシップを通じて社会問題に取り組む専門家と日本企業を繋ぎ、社会問題を定義し深く理解するサポートをします。ビジネスシンキングの専門家としてリサーチを通して社会問題の解決策を創造し、皆様のビジネスに関連づけるお手伝いをできると思っています。
Reynan Shimada
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