デザインを組織にうまく取り入れる方法とは? / How can design be better integrated into your organization?
企業におけるデザインとデザイン思考の役割が過去5年間で急速に拡がってきています。デザインのもたらす価値を認識し、組織内におけるデザインの役割とデザイナーの数をさまざまな方法で拡大している企業が増えてきているのです。Gjoko Muratovski(2015)は最近、この現象に関する優れたケーススタディをオープンアクセス形式の新ジャーナル「She Ji : The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation」に発表しました。「She Ji は、エコノミクス、イノベーション、デザインプロセスそしてデザイン思考を対象とする、ピアレビュー済みの学際的なデザインジャーナルです。」(http://www.journals.elsevier.com/she-ji-the-journal-of-design-economics-and-innovation/)。
1) デザイン主導型のビジネスアプローチ
2) 企業内のデザインチーム拡充
3) 新しいタイプの企業や新規事業の立ち上げ
4) グローバルな組織や財団法人を介した社会イノベーション
今回の記事では、1) デザイン主導型のビジネスアプローチと、2) 企業内デザインチームの拡充について論じたいと思います。
1) デザイン主導型のビジネスアプローチ
デザイン主導型の企業では通常、経営陣にデザイナーが参加しています。最もよく知られている例はApple社です。経営陣に参加しているのは、デザインの方法を知っていると同時にビジネスにも精通しているという、ある種特殊なデザイナーです。つまり、デザインを組織全体に組み込むひとつのアプローチとして、デザイナーを昇格させ組織の経営陣に加えるのです。この動きは、企業内デザインチームの拡充と統合につながります。それは経営陣に加わったデザイナーによってデザイン思考の活用が広く推進されることになるからです。Web サイト:www.fastcodesign.comに最近投稿された記事には、「将来最も重要になるデザイン職」のひとつとして、最高デザイン責任者(CDO: Chief Design Officer)が挙げられています。CDOを置くことで、企業はビジネスにおけるすべてのコンポーネントを戦略的かつ包括的にデザインしながら事業展開していけます。とはいえ、多くの企業にとってデザイナーを経営陣に加えることは難しいことかもしれません。
2) 企業内デザインチーム拡充のアプローチ
最近、企業内デザインチームの拡充が強いトレンドになっています。特にアメリカでその動きが目立ちます(Muratovski, 2015)。その方法はさまざまで、今まで企業内デザインチームが存在していなかった企業の一部は、中小規模のデザインコンサルタント会社を買収してその機能を取り入れています。デザインコンサルタント会社を買収・統合して現在の企業内デザインチームの規模を拡大している企業もあります。さらに別の企業では経験豊富なデザインリーダーを雇用して既存の企業内デザインチームを強化している所もあります。
企業内デザインチームを組織内で機能させるためのアプローチは2つあります。ひとつは、デザインチームのメンバーに組織内のデザインとデザイン思考のすべてを任せるアプローチです。一方で、組織内の「全員」をデザイン思考の実践者(Design Thinker)と見なす急進的なアプローチもあります。このアプローチを取ると組織の人員の大規模な再教育が必要になります。その場合、デザインの専門知識を持つ人材はトレーナーとして、またクリエイティブなデザイン思考のファシリテーターとして、組織内における役割を拡げることになります。例えば、IBM社ではさらに急進的なアプローチを採用し、今後数年間で1,000人の専門デザイナーを採用して、管理職の大多数にデザイン思考トレーニングを施す計画を立てています(Lohr, 2015)(※1)。
※1 詳しい内容は瀧口範子さんの記事をご参照ください。
Lohr, S. (2015) IBM's design-centered strategy to set free the squares.The New York Times, November 15, 2015.
Muratovski G. (2015) Paradigm shift:The new role of design in business and society, She Ji:The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation, doi:10.1016/ j.sheji.2015.11.002.
The most important design jobs of the future:Designers at Google, Microsoft, Autodesk, IDEO, Artefact, Teague, Lunar, Huge, New Deal and Fuseproject predict 18 new design jobs.http://www.fastcodesign.com/3054433/design-moves/the-most-important-design-jobs-of-the-future
The impact of design is growing
The role of design and design thinking in business has undergone rapid growth in the past five years. More and more businesses have realized the value that design can bring and they are finding various ways to increase the role of design and the number of designers in their organizations. Gjoko Muratovski (2015) has recently published an excellent case study of this phenomenon in the new open access journal called She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation."She Ji is a peer-reviewed, transdisciplinary design journal with a focus on economics and innovation, design process and design thinking"(http://www.journals.elsevier.com/she-ji-the-journal-of-design-economics-and-innovation/).
Muratovski identifies four ways in which the role of design is changing and impacting an organization's ability to drive change: 1) through design-led business approaches, 2) through the growth of corporate in-house design teams, 3) through the creation of new types of businesses and start-ups and 4) through social innovation via global organizations and foundations. In this short paper I will discuss design-led business approaches and the growth of corporate in-house design teams.
The design-led business approach
A design-led business usually has a designer on the executive team. Apple is probably the best known example. This takes a special kind of designer, one who knows how to design but also knows how to speak in the language of business. So one way to better integrate design into the entire organization is to promote a designer to the executive board of the organization. This move is likely to lead to growth and integration of the internal design team since the application of design thinking will be promoted broadly by that individual. A recent article posted to the website www.fastcodesign.com describes the role of the Chief Design Officer (CDO) as one of the "most important design jobs of the future." Having a CDO will enable the organization to work toward ensuring that all components of the business are designed in a strategic and holistic manner. However, adding a designer to the executive board may not be possible for many organizations.
Approaches for growing the corporate in-house design team
Growing the in-house design team has recently become a strong trend, especially in the US (Muratovski, 2015). There are several ways this is happening. Some organizations who did not previously have in-house design have integrated this capability internally by purchasing small to medium-sized design consultancies. Others have grown the size of their current in-house capabilities by purchasing and integrating design consultancies. And still other organizations have added to their in-house capabilities by hiring a design leader who brings many years of previous experience.
There are two approaches for how internal design teams can operate within an organization. One approach is to see the design team members as the people responsible for all the design and the design thinking within the organization. A more radical approach for how internal design teams can operate within an organization is to consider everyone in the organization to be a design thinker. This approach can entail a very broad re-education of people in the organization. In this situation those people with expertise in design will expand their roles into being trainers and facilitators of creative and design thinking throughout the organzation. IBM, for example, is undertaking this more radical approach and is in the process of hiring 1000 professional designers over the next few years and providing design thinking training to much of its management work force (Lohr, 2105).
Other approaches for better integrating design into your organization
What if your organization does not have the ability to act upon the strategies described above? What are some tactical approaches to achieving better integration of the design team into the entire organization? One approach is for members of the in-house design team to educate the management team about the value of design thinking. The idea is not to turn them into design thinkers, but to have them begin to realize what desgin thinking can bring to the organization. Another approach is for members of the design team to push to become involved in a wider variety of company initiatives than they are normally involved in. Perhaps they can be included much earlier in the design process and work on identifying problems to solve instead of simply being seen as the problem solvers. Getting involved on a wide range of internal projects is a good way to get started in integrating design within the organization. Starting small and seeding the spread of design thinking within an organization will also bring visibility to the design team.
Lohr, S. (2015) IBM's design-centered strategy to set free the squares. The New York Times, November 15, 2015.
Muratovski G. (2015) Paradigm shift: The new role of design in business and society, She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation, doi: 10.1016/ j.sheji.2015.11.002.
The most important design jobs of the future: Designers at Google, Microsoft, Autodesk, IDEO, Artefact, Teague, Lunar, Huge, New Deal and Fuseproject predict 18 new design jobs.http://www.fastcodesign.com/3054433/design-moves/the-most-important-design-jobs-of-the-future
Liz Sanders
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