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A Fresh Approach to Design Thinking for Novices
This past spring, mct wrapped up the first part in our latest collaboration with Hitotsubashi ICS, a joint project lead by Associate Professor Satoko Suzuki to develop a fresh approach for training novices in Design Thinking (DT) methodology.

Centered around a 1-week intensive DT Week course presented by Prof. Suzuki each spring, mct helped develop a new training framework to maximize the student’s experience within the week, and to set the stage for building key mindsets & skills into the kind of habits useful for seeking out innovation in business.

Academic Research + Design Research
Combining academic and design research approaches, we worked fluidly between literature reviews and user sessions, digging deeper in certain areas while also maintaining a wider lens using analogy and metaphor. Prior to the actual DT Week, we prototyped the methods in a one-day remote workshop with a mix of participants ranging from DT professionals to relative novices.

Hitotsubashi ICS Design Thinking Week: 5-Day Intensive Course
For the DT Week at ICS, mct joined Prof. Suzuki and 40 MBA students to support the week’s activities.

Day 1 kicked off with a back and forth combination of exercises designed to unlock key mindsets and aid early steps of problem definition on the week’s research theme. By the end of the day, students had been paired up based on similarities, and were finalizing their plan for a Day 2 of fieldwork and interviews.

Day 3 saw the pairs process fieldwork into a revised problem definition, a target persona, and ideation. After presenting their respective ideas to the class, pairs were then grouped into teams of four for the remainder of the week. Unlike the initial pairs, the groups were not put together based on similarities, and instead were encouraged to bring their ideas to each other in an “Intellectual Battle” to encourage discovery of connecting threads on deeper levels of meaning and values. Doing so not only provided further practice in digging deeper from a user-centered perspective on values, but also increased their chances at uncovering a fresh angle of meaning around the research theme.

Day 4 was dedicated to revising their ideas and creating a storyboard and a web landing page prototype to be ‘tested’ with the experts on the last day. After each group received feedback from the experts on Day 5, student teams were asked to reflect on their feedback, and think of what next steps they would take if they were to continue developing the idea.

Iterative Development
At the end of an intense and focused week, the response from the students was positive. In the spirit of the iterative process, reviewing the output from the course and the students’ own feedback, mct and Prof. Suzuki now targeting areas for revision in the iterative development of this new approach.

記事原文:Eric Frey 日本語訳:Mayuka Soleim

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