Blog|「グローカル」イベント 24 Hours of UXの総括
6月8日・9日に、mctのメンバーは、グローバルUXコミュニティのためのエキサイティングなカンファレンスである24 Hours of UX 2022に参加しました。このカンファレンスは、世界各地のローカルで独立したUX実践者からなる非営利団体24Labsが運営しています。
はじまりは6年前にUXGenevaによって、地域コミュニティの会話を得るために「ビジネス、テクノロジー、人間中心のデザインが交わる草の根的なイベントシリーズ」として開始されました。新型コロナウイルスのパンデミックをきっかけに、世界各地の草の根イベント主催者と協力してオンラインイベントが開催されました。2020年から始まって勢いを増してきた24 Hours of UXは、今年、まさに 「グローカル」 なイベントとなりました。
▶ English Ver.はこちら
今年は40以上のセッションが行われ、UX Wellington、UX New Zealand、UX AucklandからUX Philippines、UX Malaysia、Arabic UX Communityなど、6大陸にわたる多くの地域のUXコミュニティの講演者が登壇しました。
[ 世界中のUX実践者たちが繋がった「24 Hours of UX」 のMiroボード ]
(ニュージーランドのUX Wellingtonより)
(IxDA Hong Kongより)
(UX Chileより)
(Iterate UXより)
カナダと米国のUXデザインプロフェッショナルのコミュニティであるIterate UXのTaylor Childersが、データエクスペリエンスに関する知識を共有しました。彼の興味深いプレゼンテーションから、次のようなことが分かりました。
エクスペリエンスデザインの役割が、グローバルなUXコミュニティの着実な成長と共に、より多くの認識を得ていることにわくわくしています。さらに、私たちが最も感心しているのは、「地域のために設立された地域の非営利団体」という組織の精神と、「草の根的なUXコミュニティにグローバルな舞台を提供し、現場からのUXストーリーを紹介します」という会議の目的です。なぜなら、草の根的なイベントを推進することは、私たちの “unique works by ordinary people.”「普通の人々によるユニークな仕事」という価値観に合致するからです。
English ver.
On June 8th and 9th, mct members joined 24 Hours of UX 2022, an exciting conference for global UX communities, “run by 24 Labs, a non-profit made up of local and independent UX practitioners from all corners of the world.” Initiated by UX Geneva 6 years ago, starting “with a grassroots event series at the intersection of business, technology, and human-centered design” to get local community conversations. The pandemic triggered the virtual event in collaboration with many grassroots event organizers from global communities. Started and gained momentum since 2020, this year 24 Hours of UX became a truly “glocal” event.
The conference is a 24 hour, non-stop event where UX communities and professionals from different regions stay awake together, sharing experiences and key learning around UX practices, career growth, and UX life from diverse perspectives.
As the event was scheduled non-stop over 24 hours, participants could easily jump in to participate in any session at their convenient time. There was always something for you at your time – a nice concept with a truly global mindset.
This year the event had more than 40 sessions, featuring speakers from many regional UX communities across 5 continents, from UX Wellington, UX New Zealand, and UX Auckland, to UX Philippines, UX Malaysia, Arabic UX Community, and many more.
With the mission of bringing local communities to a global audience, the session topics focused on local UX matters, UX methodologies and practices, working experience and personal career growth within the UX domain in different contexts.
[ Miro board of the 24 Hours of UX where UXers around the world connected ]
There were many great topics and inspiring stories discussed within the conference, and the following are just a few highlights our team would like to share.
VR and Game Tools as Community Empowerment in Public Spatial Design
(from UX Wellington, New Zealand)
Studio Tepu in Wellington, NZ shared their experience using new technologies such as VR and game tools in spatial design research along the design process, from exploring phase to concept tests. New technologies and games help the team have better engagement with the local community, especially the young generation.
Designing for Chinese Content
(from IxDA Hong Kong)
Speakers from IxDA HongKong shared practical experiences about common pitfalls in designing content for Chinese audiences, and helpful tips on how to improve UX design by tailoring Chinese unique languages and cultures. It is interesting to notice that though people in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan all speak Chinese, the Chinese used in the three regions are distinct in how it is written and spoken, which impact many design details such as language offering or bilingual navigation.
Mentorship Program for Women in UX
(from UX Chile)
An inspiring story about how the mentorship programs for women in UX have been founded, grown, and made a positive impact on the life and career of many young women in Chile.
Principles to Enhance UX of Your Data Analytics
(from Iterate UX)
Taylor Childers from Iterate UX, a community of User Experience Design professionals from Canada and the United States, shared his knowledge about Data Experience. Some takeaways from his interesting presentation are:
●5 second rule – any good data presentation should help audience capture the key message within 5 seconds
● Keep it specific
● Eliminate or prioritize complexity
Beyond the learnings of diverse UX perspectives, through the conference mct could connect with UX communities from many corners of the world, enhancing the global collaboration for future projects and events.
It is exciting to see how the roles of Experience Design have gained more recognition along with the steady growth of the global UX community. Furthermore, what really excites us most is the spirit of the organization “a non-profit of communities, built for the communities” and the goal of the conference, which is “to provide a global stage for grassroots UX communities, and to showcase UX stories from the field through them” because promoting grassroots event fits with our value of “unique works by ordinary people.”
As a part of this growing community, mct are looking forward to involving more in these grassroot activities and having opportunities to share Japan’s UX perspectives to the global audience in the next conferences.
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