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Series Blog|シリーズ 「海外の医療トレンド」 002  Overseas Medical Trends

今回お届けする「Special Topic」は、
“Overseas Medical Trends" is a series of blogs on overseas medical information,
brought to you by mct's "Medical Design Platform".
"Special Topic" is a series of articles by Sayaka Machizawa of Signant Health,
a U.S.-based company that supports clinical trials for new drug development, who will provide various
perspectives on the current state of clinical trials in the United States.
"Medical Design Platform" helps solve business problems from the customer's perspective.
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Special Topic 1

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in Clinical Trials
Sayaka Machizawa, Psy.D. 
Associate Director, Science & Medicine, Signant Health

DEI(多様性、公平性、包括性)は、近年多くの日本企業でも取り組みが進められていますが、臨床試験の分野ではまだ馴染みが薄いかもしれません。一方で、欧米では臨床試験におけるDEIの重要性が徐々に認識されてきています。特に、米国のFDAは、臨床試験での多様性を促進し、医療製品開発の包括性を高めるための指針を提供しています。2022年には“Diversity Plans to Improve Enrollment of Participants from Underrepresented Racial and Ethnic Populations in Clinical Trials“が発行され、このガイドラインに基づき、治験依頼者はRace and Ethnicity Diversity Plan(人種と民族の多様性計画)を提出することが推奨されており、本計画では試験対象疾患における人種や民族性の影響に関する既存データ、異なる人種や民族性の参加者の組み入れ目標、およびその目標達成に向けた具体的アクションプランを明記する必要があります。
While Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives have been increasingly embraced by Japanese companies in recent years, their application in clinical trials is still emerging. Nevertheless, in Europe and the US, the significance of DEI in clinical trials has been gaining recognition. The FDA, for instance, has introduced guidelines to foster diversity in clinical trials to promote inclusivity in medical product development. In 2022, they published Diversity Plans to Improve Enrollment of Participants from Underrepresented Racial and Ethnic Populations in Clinical Trials, necessitating study sponsors to include “Race and Ethnicity Diversity Plan” with information on the possibility of a medical product exhibiting varied safety or effectiveness based on race or ethnicity, enrollment goals for underrepresented racial and ethnic participants, and specific strategies and action plans to achieve these goals.
DEI in the Context of Clinical Trials
Before delving into DEI within the context of clinical trials, it's essential to understand its broader definition. DEI focuses on cultivating an equitable environment where people from diverse backgrounds—encompassing differences in gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, sexual orientation, and disability status—are treated fairly and inclusively. It's about more than merely bringing together a diverse group; it's about creating a culture where every individual is empowered to participate fully and contribute meaningfully.
DEI initiatives are more prominent in the workplace, education, and social services, but their importance in clinical trials has also been increasingly recognized. DEI principles are essential for conducting clinical trials ethically, effectively, and comprehensively. These principles aim to ensure that clinical research is reflective of the population it intends to serve, thereby enhancing the validity of its findings and ensuring that medical advancements are beneficial to all segments of society, irrespective of ethnicity, gender, age, socioeconomic status, or geographical location. The integration of DEI into clinical trials is not merely a matter of social justice; it is a fundamental component of scientific rigor and medical advancement.
Nevertheless, an analysis of 32,000 individuals in new U.S. drug trials in 2020 revealed significant disparities: only 8% were Black, 6% Asian, and 11% Hispanic. These figures starkly contrast with the U.S. Census data, indicating that 14.2% of the population is Black, 7.2% Asian, and 18.7% Hispanic, thus underscoring the underrepresentation of these crucial demographic groups. This misalignment is particularly concerning given that racial and ethnic minority groups disproportionately suffer from chronic diseases, which are often the focus of substantial drug research and development investmentsii
The underrepresentation in clinical trials can result in treatments that are less effective or exhibit unexpected side effects in these populations. Alarmingly, approximately 20% of medications demonstrate variable effects among different racial groupsiv, underscoring the imperative for greater diversity in clinical research. Ensuring diverse participation is vital not only for the scientific integrity and efficacy of medical treatments but also for narrowing the existing health disparities that persist across communities.
Why Does DEI in Clinical Trials Matter?
Following the introduction of the Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) concept in a previous article, I'd like to delve into how it intertwines with the principles of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). PPI signifies the engagement of patients, carers, and the broader public as active partners within the research journey, transcending the traditional role of mere subjects. This collaboration spans the entire research spectrum, from establishing priorities and designing studies to executing and sharing outcomes.
Integrating DEI principles within PPI initiatives promises to yield multifaceted benefits. It makes the research process more inclusive and equitable, ensuring that a wide array of viewpoints is considered. Consequently, the research becomes more attuned to the varied health issues and requirements of diverse communities, enhancing the relevance and applicability of its findings across a broader demographic spectrum. Furthermore, this holistic approach strengthens the bond of trust between researchers and the community at large. Recognizing that their experiences are valued and directly inform research efforts, individuals are more inclined to engage with and support clinical trials. This trust is especially vital in encouraging participation from historically underrepresented groups that may hold a sense of mistrust in the medical research community.
Strategies for Promoting DEI in Clinical Trials
To promote DEI in clinical trials and overcome systemic barriers, the following key strategies are suggested:
Community Engagement and Trust Building
Engaging with communities through partnerships with local organizations, leaders, and healthcare providers can help build trust and facilitate the recruitment of diverse populations. Initiatives like community advisory boards and involving community liaisons in the research process are effective ways to ensure community needs and concerns are addressed and to facilitate deeper engagement and tailor research methodologies to be more inclusive and accessible.
Participant-Centric Clinical Trials
Enhancing DEI in clinical research involves engaging closely with participants, their families, and caregivers. This approach, rooted in PPI principles, necessitates a participant-centered methodology throughout the research process, from protocol design to result dissemination. Feedback from these groups might prompt revisions in inclusion criteria and study materials, ensuring they're accessible and understandable, aligning with participants' health literacy levels.
Tailored Recruitment Strategies
Developing recruitment strategies that consider cultural, linguistic, and socioeconomic factors can improve participation rates among underrepresented groups. This might include multilingual recruitment materials, transportation assistance, and flexible scheduling to accommodate participants' needs.
Increasing Accessibility through Cutting-Edge Procedures and Technology
臨床研究のプロセスを最新の手法やテクノロジーを用いて更新し、参加への障壁を低減することは、有効な戦略です。特に、テクノロジーを活用したDecentralized Clinical Trial(DCT)により、参加者が自宅などのリモート地から容易に参加できるようになり、来院回数を減らしたり、医療機関から離れた場所に住んでいても参加が可能となります。これにより、従来は参加が難しいとされていた層も臨床試験に参加しやすくなり、参加者の負担も軽減されます。また治験依頼者にとっても、登録促進、治験期間の短縮、開発コストの削減などのメリットが期待されます。しかし、臨床試験には対面での対応が不可欠な場面も残っています。このような場合、コミュニティ・スペースを利用するなどしてアクセシビリティを向上させる工夫が求められまv
Modernizing clinical study procedures to lower participation barriers is another critical step. Decentralizing Clinical Trials (DCT) through technology can broaden participant diversity and reduce burdens, allowing for remote participation and monitoring. Incorporating DCT may yield significant advantages for clinical trial sponsors as well such as facilitating participant enrollment, shortening the duration of clinical trials, and ultimately lowering development costs. However, some aspects of clinical research still require in-person interaction, where innovative approaches like using community spaces for study activities can enhance accessibility and engagementvi.
Training and Education for Clinical Trial Site Staff
Educating clinical trial site staff on DEI and its importance can enhance participants' experiences and retention. For instance, implementing unconscious bias training can help the staff recognize their own biases and assumptions, fostering an inclusive environment for diverse groups of participants and their families.
Enhancing DEI in clinical research requires a comprehensive strategy that focuses on creating participant-centric research designs, setting clear and purposeful research objectives, engaging with communities on a long-term basis, fostering diversity within research teams and leadership, maintaining transparency throughout the research process, and minimizing barriers to participation. The integration of DEI principles into clinical trials is becoming increasingly essential. This approach ensures that medical breakthroughs benefit all segments of society equitably, contributing to the reduction of health and medical disparities.
(i) Kelsey, M.D., B. Patrick-Lake, R. Abdulai, U.C. Broedl, A. Brown, E. Cohn, L.H. Curtis, C. Komelasky, M. Mbagwu, G.A. Mensah, R.J. Mentz, A. Nyaku, S.O. Omokaro, J. Sewards, K. Whitlock, X. Zhang, and "G.S. Bloomfield, Inclusion and diversity in clinical trials: Actionable steps to drive lasting change. Contemp Clin Trials, 2022. 116: p. 106740.
(ii) Kelsey, M.D., B. Patrick-Lake, R. Abdulai, U.C. Broedl, A. Brown, E. Cohn, L.H. Curtis, C. Komelasky, M. Mbagwu, G.A. Mensah, R.J. Mentz, A. Nyaku, S.O. Omokaro, J. Sewards, K. Whitlock, X. Zhang, and "G.S. Bloomfield, Inclusion and diversity in clinical trials: Actionable steps to drive lasting change. Contemp Clin Trials, 2022. 116: p. 106740.
(iii) Ramamoorthy, A., Kim, H. H., Shah-Williams, E., & Zhang, L. (2022). Racial and Ethnic Differences in Drug Disposition and Response: Review of New Molecular Entities Approved Between 2014 and 2019. Journal of clinical pharmacology, 62(4), 486–493.
(iv) Ramamoorthy, A., Kim, H. H., Shah-Williams, E., & Zhang, L. (2022). Racial and Ethnic Differences in Drug Disposition and Response: Review of New Molecular Entities Approved Between 2014 and 2019. Journal of clinical pharmacology, 62(4), 486–493.
(v) Washington, V., Franklin, J. B., Huang, E. S., Mega, J. L., & Abernethy, A. P. (2023). Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Clinical Research: A Path Toward Precision Health for Everyone. Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics, 113(3), 575–584.
(vi) Washington, V., Franklin, J. B., Huang, E. S., Mega, J. L., & Abernethy, A. P. (2023). Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Clinical Research: A Path Toward Precision Health for Everyone. Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics, 113(3), 575–584.

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