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Blog|「Post-Globalization」How to Create Value in a Localizing World


With the NLU: Next Leaders University webinar “Post-Globalization: How global companies create value in a localizing world,” speaker Frantz Dhers kicked-off with the following question:
“Will our children be more or less global citizens than us?”

▶ 日本語版はこちら

The dominant narrative around globalization has taken for granted that each generation will be successively more global. That the world is getting progressively flatter, connected, and inclusive.

However, Frantz says this may lead to a trap he calls the “Globalized Companies Bubble”. A bubble where globalized companies pursue a particular narrative of globalization which enables a supply chain of production anywhere and with anyone, as corporate level employees as ‘citizens of the world’ and ‘digital nomads’ become predominantly interchangeable and sharing many similar values.

“OUR relationship with globalization IS NOT the relationship of EVERYONE with globalization”

While globalization has led to a convergence of values and standardized many things, it has also led to pressures on authenticity and local autonomy. The bubble insulates organizations from recognizing and engaging with alternative experiences with globalization, which can trap their strategic approach.

Even before this year’s pandemic, global events were causing thought leaders around the world to wonder if we are entering a post-globalized society, a reaction towards localization inspired by economic and social stresses, and greatly enabled by digital transformation.

For Frantz, the first step to avoid the trap mentioned above is imagination. By imagining the future of globalization for our children, for example, we widen our scope to existing trends and implications. This in turn helps identify what actions to take in the present.
Additionally, by doing this organizations reframe globalization from an untouchable deity or force, to a context which can be actively shaped.

“What is the difference between TO ENGAGE and TO SPREAD YOUR OWN POLITICAL OPINIONS today?”

Companies are seeing a shifting consumer mentality from “Who I am and what I want” to “Who we are and what we want”. This puts some pressure on companies to feel they must take a stand.

At the same time, some globalized companies recognize their power to shape globalization, leading to the phenomenon of 'activist companies’, organizations which strategically express a political or social stance.

The key question becomes how globalized organizations will approach their power to shape globalization, while also avoiding the trap mentioned above.

Webinar Poll: Where do you position yourself in the globalization spectrum?
Top answer - “ Globalization is seriously challenged, but globalized firms are resilient”
Second answer - “People are getting more and more global every day, whether or not they want to, so we need global strategies.”

Companies in different industries in different countries will have different approaches. It may be that Japanese companies tend to express a style that is different than French companies. For example, 73% of the Japanese participants in the webinar chose “I am a little in favor of activist companies” (27% “not really in favor”), whereas the same poll with French counterparts in a different webinar were only “very much in favor” or “not at all in favor”.

For Frantz, the point is not prescribing how activist to be, but to consider your company’s value creation and risk management in a localizing context.

To do this, he recommends organizations to focus on localizing to places rather than opinions, in order to avoid ‘Us vs. Them’ situations. Deeply consider values, needs, lifestyles, and expectations of the local target people, whether they be customers or part of the supply chain. It is important to engage locally while considering their mindset, not simply to satisfy our own objectives.

Additionally, he advises against interpreting actions along good vs. bad narratives. Rather, it comes down to decisions between “Do I want to save THE world, or MY world?”

How globalized companies understand this question for themselves and for their partners and customers in local contexts, will lead to more resilient strategies for value creation and risk management.

At mct, we are facilitating companies with this shift to a globalized, yet localizing dynamic - one where complex decisions exist between saving MY world and saving THE world.
With a human-centered approach to deeply understanding users, we can better uncover and understand the kind of expectations and life goals that will help globalized organizations localize. Recently, mct is also recommending our clients to add the layer of societal transformative value to the usual considerations of functional, economic, experiential, and symbolic values.


Next Leaders University (NLU)のウェビナー「ポストグローバリゼーション:ローカライズする世界でグローバル企業はどのように価値を創るか(原題:Post-Globalization: How global companies create value in a localizing world)」は、Frantz Dhers氏の次のような質問で始まりました。






Dhers氏によると、上述した罠を避けるための第一歩は、「想像」することです。例えば、私たちの子どもたちにとってのグローバリゼーションの未来を想像することで、私たちは既にある潮流やそれが示唆するものに対して、より視野を広げることができます。 それは、現在どのような行動をとるべきかを見極める手助けをしてくれます。








そのため、彼は「私たち VS 彼ら」という対立を避けるために、意見のローカライズでなく場所のローカライズに注目するように組織に勧めました。ローカルなターゲットの人々が、消費者となるかサプライチェーンの一部になるかにかかわらず、彼ら価値観、ニーズ、ライフスタイル、期待について深く考えてみてください、と。単に自分たちの目的を達成するだけでなく、彼らのマインドセットを考慮し、ローカルに携わることが大切なのです。

さらに、彼は行動を「良い VS 悪い」の語り口で解釈しないようにアドバイスをしています。それよりも、「私は、世界を救いたいのか、あるいは、私の世界を救いたいのか?」のどちらかを選ぶようにということです。



記事原文:Eric Frey 日本語訳:Mayuka Soleim

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