洗濯ものを干せないバルコニー Balcony without clothes line
“What do you use your balcony for?” I guess “for drying laundry” is one of common answers. Own experience and learnings from our researches related to laundry over many countries including Egypt, Brazil, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam and so on suggests that answer. In these likely countries, outdoor clotheslines are a norm and balconies are also mostly used for drying washed laundry.
If you have same thought as me, you will be surprised when visiting United States. You might not find any laundered clothes dry outside in the balcony. Instead, balcony is mainly the relaxing area of the family. It is common to see table and chairs placed in front yard or balcony in New York.
Come back to laundry, you can find laundromat or laundry services also at any corners. If you visit Tokyo and feel amazing that you can find convenient stores everywhere, you will feel the same way when visiting New York. People use laundromat service for washing their laundry or just drying the washed clothes if they own a washer. Otherwise, their house must be spacious enough to place a dryer together with their washer.
The laundry services and dryer makers must have been fruitful in United States. Here it comes how business can benefit from regulation. It turns out that in many suburban neighborhoods it is not allowed to dry your clothes outside because it is considered to look bad and dirty. For decades, the clothes line has had an image problem in the United States.
ただ、最近、その規制に反対する動きが出てきています。「Project Laundry List」という活動で、自然の光と風の中で洗濯物を乾かす大切さを訴えています。消費者のマインドセットの変化と、それに沿って規制も変化する可能性があり、新しいビジネスのチャンスかもしれません。
However, it is also interesting to know that recently the fight against clothes line bans called “Project Laundry List” for the good of natural drying and environment has happened in America. To predict how laundry services in America will change in the future, it must be good for business player to observe the shift of consumer mindset and regulation landscape.
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