Series Blog|シリーズ 「海外の医療トレンド」 005 Overseas Medical Trends

“Overseas Medical Trends" is a series of blogs on overseas medical information,
brought to you by mct's "Medical Design Platform".
brought to you by mct's "Medical Design Platform".
"Medical Design Platform" helps solve business problems from the customer's perspective.
It is a unit that provides information and services related to "patient-centered medicine" of mct, Inc.
It is a unit that provides information and services related to "patient-centered medicine" of mct, Inc.
【Part 1】
“The Art of 8 Limbs” – How Pharma Can Evolve to Become More Patient-Centric 【Part 1】
この春、私はアメリカのニュージャージー州で開催されたカンファレンス「PHARMA CX SUMMIT 2024」に参加しました。それは患者中心のカスタマーエクスペリエンス(CX)への取り組みに関する最新のアイデアや活動を聞くことができた素晴らしいイベントでした。
”The PHARMA CX SUMMIT 2024” conference this spring was great for hearing the latest ideas and activities about patient-centric customer experience efforts. The presenters were not only well experienced, but active at the leading edges of what customer experience in pharma industry can mean.
While talking about what is possible, there were also conversations about the specific challenges facing pharma professionals in the age of customer experience. Basically, customer experience is evolving in a way that directly conflicts with the conditions of the pharma industry and health care space.

Across industries, customers have higher expectations for companies
Across industries, customers have higher expectations for companies …but patient customers and healthcare professionals don’t forget those expectations when engaging with pharma products and services, despite the special regulations in place to protect people that other product categories don’t have.

Across industries, customer experiences require less of commitment from customers
Across industries, customer experiences require less of commitment from customers
Across industries, customer experiences require less of commitment from customers …and this is in the opposite direction of health care experiences, which tend to be more in-depth, longer-term, less frequent, and depend on more commitment from patient customers and HCPs alike.

Across industries, customer experience is using less and less language,
Across industries, customer experience is using less and less language,
but are defined by terms & conditions in legalese that no one reads
Across industries, customer experience is using less and less language, but are defined by terms & conditions in legalese that no one reads …whereas health care experiences rely on the patient customers to be able to read and understand a certain level of technical medical information. For HCPs, this directly impacts HCPs ability to optimize the effectiveness of their time with patients.
Despite the overall sense that pharma is facing the age of customer experience with one hand tied behind their back, there was one presentation by Wayne Simmons, Global Customer Experience Management Lead for Pfizer, which highlighted a couple of key points from a non-pharma perspective.

Doing CX exceptionally well is exceptionally difficult, regardless of industry.
Doing CX exceptionally well is exceptionally difficult, regardless of industry.
It requires a commitment to excellence from top to bottom, across every touchpoint, executed consistently every day. It requires systems that enable this while also reaffirming core beliefs that drive behaviors. (Ritz Carlton)
It requires a commitment to excellence from top to bottom, across every touchpoint, executed consistently every day. It requires systems that enable this while also reaffirming core beliefs that drive behaviors. In the conference, Ritz Carlton was used as a prime example of how much is actually required to realize the vision of excellent customer service, and how the challenges are not specific to certain industries more than others.
Patients see pharma companies as a core part of their patient-centric experiences,
while pharma companies themselves often see patient centricity
as peripheral to their core mission
Pharma companies main area has traditionally been investing in hard science to deliver breakthrough innovation in drugs. Everything is aligned to that pursuit. As a result, not only is patient centricity implicitly viewed as a “extra”, but also something that is not treated with the same level of seriousness, as it doesn’t have the same kind of mathematical & scientific rigor behind it. So the challenges facing pharma are not just unique to their industry, nor totally out of their control.
今回の「PHARMA CX SUMMIT 2024」のカンファレンスでは、製薬会社がより患者中心になるためには、製品中心からソリューション中心に移行する必要があるという共通の主張が見受けられました。それには医薬品を革新するだけでは十分ではなく、患者ニーズに応える体験を提供する必要があるということです。
Given these conditions, how can pharma companies evolve to become more patient centric?
Not only in the conference, but also through client work and background research, we see a common refrain that for pharma companies to become more patient-centric, they must move from being product-focused to being solution-focused. It’s not enough to just innovate drugs, they need to deliver experiences that address people’s patient needs.

In one of the presentations, Anton Yaovoy (formerly of Novartis) framed the challenges of pharma CX according to The Wizard of Oz. In it, each character in The Wizard of Oz represents α different stakeholder that a pharmaceutical company needs to consider, and how they influence each other in the overall system. As each stakeholder has their own motivations and characteristics, pharmaceutical companies need to adjust their CX approach for each group on its own, for the system as a whole, and all while maintaining a consistent brand experience throughout. Whereas many of the presentations dealt with CX in a compartmentalized way - e.g. patient CX, HCP CX - this presentation recognized the multiple parts and layers involved, and used the power of metaphor to effectively communicate it.

- まずは考え方を変えることから始めるのか?
- 完璧なトレーニング戦略を確立することに集中するのか?
- 外部の専門家と組んで動きを学ぶのか?
- 過去の経験を新しい状況でどれだけ生かせるか?
- もし試合で他の人に戦ってもらえるとしたら?
- 完璧なトレーニング戦略を確立することに集中するのか?
- 外部の専門家と組んで動きを学ぶのか?
- 過去の経験を新しい状況でどれだけ生かせるか?
- もし試合で他の人に戦ってもらえるとしたら?
あなたの会社ではどうでしょうか? あるいはあなたの状況ではどのようにお答えになるでしょうか? 別の部門ではどうですか? 地域が変わるとどうでしょうか? そして治療領域が違うとどうでしょうか? あるいは新薬開発、臨床試験、患者への働きかけなど、プロセスが違えばどうでしょうか?
Thinking about how pharma must respond to the challenges above, a different metaphor popped into mind – Muay Thai, or “the art of 8 limbs”. Rather, than approaching CX with one hand-tied behind their back, maybe it’s more like a heavyweight boxer who must now compete as a Muay Thai kickboxer.
The boxer has spent their career refining elite skills in select areas. But it’s no longer just about landing knockout punches aided by deft footwork, but landing knockout punches as well as knockout kicks.
To remain competitive, the boxer must expand their repertoire of skills, adapt their approach to training, and perhaps revise their mindset to competition. But where do they start?
- Do they start by first changing their mindset?
- Do they focus on getting the perfect training strategy in place?
- Do they partner with outside experts to learn the moves?
- How much of their past experience can be used in this new situation?
- What if they could have other people fight for them in matches?
- Do they focus on getting the perfect training strategy in place?
- Do they partner with outside experts to learn the moves?
- How much of their past experience can be used in this new situation?
- What if they could have other people fight for them in matches?
What about your own company? What would answers look like in your context? For different departments? In different regions? For different therapeutic areas? For different stages such as new drug development, clinical trials, or patient outreach? Perhaps such questions can inspire and refresh your approach to delivering excellent customer experience. Additionally, by examining the challenges to customer experience in general, why those challenges exist, and what is unique for the industry, you can further zero-in on how those solutions could be realized.
★Part 2 に続く Continued in Part 2
英語原文作成: Eric Frey 日本語版編集: 程野耕治
英語原文作成: Eric Frey 日本語版編集: 程野耕治
■「PHARMA CX SUMMIT 2024」参加報告イベント
アーカイブ映像 ダイジェスト版【無料視聴】はこちら→ Part 1
■ mctは創薬におけるPPIの取り組みを支援しています。PPIに関するご相談はこちら ■
Eric Frey
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