Series Blog|シリーズ 「海外の医療トレンド」 007 Overseas Medical Trends

“Overseas Medical Trends" is a series of blogs on overseas medical information,
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It is a unit that provides information and services related to "patient-centered medicine" of mct, Inc.
A glimpse into China's healthcare and pharmaceutical industry
A glimpse into China's healthcare and pharmaceutical industry
Hello my name is Wenxin. I am from China and joined mct two years ago. In this article, I wrote about Chinese healthcare and Pharmaceutical industry. As China is a big market for healthcare and pharmaceutical and has been developing fast, it is valuable to know about it and understand it. In addition, it is also interesting to know its difference from other countries. So in this article, I will briefly introduce some basic facts about the industry and some interesting points. Hopefully it can lead to some thought-provoking discussions.

Growth of Chinese healthcare and pharmaceutical industry
ヘルスケア業界において重要な要素である医療システムと医療サービスは継続的に改善されており、より多くの中国国民に利益をもたらしています。そのため中国の医療制度に関しては、2022年末の時点で、基本医療保険に加入している人数が13.4億人を超え、加入率は95%以上で安定しています。[i] さらに2022年の「中国衛生健康事業発展統計公報」によると、全国の医療衛生機関の総数は103万2918ヵ所に達しており、前年に比べ1983ヵ所の増加を記録しています。[ii]
医療衛生機関には専門的な公衆衛生機関に加え、病院、郷鎮衛生センター、コミュニティ衛生サービスセンター、村落診療所などの基層医療衛生機関も含まれます。[iii] ちなみに中国の病院は、公立と私立とに分かれており、さらに上位から順に、レベル3、レベル2、レベル1の3段階に分類されます。[iv]
As essential components of the healthcare industry, the healthcare system and medical services have been continuously improving to benefit more citizens in China. In terms of the healthcare system in China, as of the end of 2022, the number of people enrolled in basic medical insurance topped 1.34 billion people, with a participation rate stabilized at over 95%.[i] In addition, according to “2022 Statistical Bulletin on China’s Health Development”, the total number of national medical and health institutions nationwide reached 1,032,918, marking an increase of 1,983 compared to the previous year.[ii]
China’s medical and health institutions include hospital, primary medical and health institution which includes township health centers, community health service centers, village clinics., etc. in addition to professional public health institutions.[iii] Chinese hospitals can be divided into public hospitals and private hospitals. The hospitals are classified into three levels from highest to lowest: level 3 hospitals, level 2 hospitals and level 1 hospitals.[iv]
In terms of pharmaceutical market, there also have been significant improvements in recent years. According to “2023 Chinese Medicine and Health Rising Star Program Report” published by Deloitte in 2024January, it was mentioned that in 2017, China became the world's second-largest pharmaceutical market. And by 2022, China held approximately 11% of the global market share. In addition, compound annual growth rate (CAGR) was projected to reach 7.2% from 2023 to 2027, exceeding the global average of 5.7%.[v]
The R&D investment in pharmaceutical market has been increasing as well. According to some data released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology at the 2023 China Pharmaceutical Industry Development Conference, the average annual growth rate of R&D investment across the whole pharmaceutical industry has exceeded 20% since China’s 14th Five-Year Plan. There are over 10,000 large-scale pharmaceutical industrial enterprises in China and China has risen to the second position globally in terms of the number of new drugs under research.[vi]

さて、中国の製薬業界について語るとき、中国の文化と歴史に深く根づいている中国伝統医学(TCM:Traditional Chinese Medicine)を無視することはできません。21世紀経済報道が発表したレポートによると、2022年には中国伝統医学の医療機関が8万にも達し、これらの医療機関への受診件数は全国の全受診件数の14.6%を占め、2018年の12.9%から増加しています。[vii]
When discussing the pharmaceutical industry, one cannot overlook the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) which is deeply ingrained in Chinese culture and history. According to a report published by 21jingji, in 2022, there were 80,000 TCM healthcare institutions and the total number of medical visits to these institutions accounted for 14.6% of all medical visits nationwide, up from 12.9% in 2018.[vii]
中国の戦略的な取り組みは、ヘルスケアおよび製薬業界の急速な発展に不可欠な役割を果たしてきました。たとえば「健康中国2030計画綱要」は、建国以来初めての国家レベルの中長期的な医療分野発展戦略計画であり、2030年までに複数の目標を達成することを目指しています。戦略的テーマは「共同構築、共有、すべての人のための健康」です。[viii] 「メイド・イン・中国2025」や「イノベーション主導型開発による国家戦略の概要」といった主要な産業政策の指導文書では、製薬およびヘルスケア業界は中国の先進的かつ革新的な発展のための主要産業のひとつに位置付けられています。[ix] さらに7月には国務院常務会議が「バリューチェーン全体にわたる革新的医薬品の開発支援実施計画」を検討・承認しています。この計画は革新的な医薬品の「初期段階の投資と資金調達から、研究開発、医薬品の評価と承認、価格設定、流通、市場投入後の入院、そして最終的には商業保険と医療保険の支払い」までのすべてのバリューチェーンをサポートするものです。[x]
China’s strategic attention has played an indispensable role in the rapid development of the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry. For example, “Health China 2030” plan, the first national-level strategic plan for the medium- and long-term development of the health sector since the founding of China, addressed multiple objectives by 2030 with a strategic theme being “co-building, sharing and health for all”.[viii] In the guiding documents for major industrial policies such as “Made in China 2025” and “Outline of the National Strategy of Innovation-Driven Development”, the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry is placed as one of the key industries for the nation's advanced and innovative development.[ix] Besides, in July, the State Council executive meeting reviewed and approved the "Implementation Plan for Supporting the Development of Innovative Drugs Across the Entire Value Chain" to support the entire value chain of innovative drugs “from early-stage investment and financing, research and development, drug evaluation and approval, to pricing, distribution, hospital admission upon market launch, and finally commercial insurance and medical insurance payments at the reimbursement end”.[x]
Patient-centricity + Digital technology
Patient-centricity + Digital technology

By reviewing China’s development in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry, we can identify both unique and common characteristics when compared with other countries. However, if we look at the industry’s development moving forward, both China and many other countries share similar backgrounds, such as an aging population, technological advancements, and increasing health awareness. These factors also lead to greater demand for higher-quality pharmaceutical and healthcare services. Various strategies have been employed or can be employed to enhance these services, including increased investment in R&D, adoption of advanced technologies, and appropriate use of patient-centric approaches in clinical trials. Besides of increasing investment and adopting advanced technology, Chinese institutions are also embracing the concept of “patient-centricity”.
2023年、中国医薬品評価センター(CDE)は患者中心主義に関する3つの指導原則を連続して発表しました[xi] これらの指針においては、臨床試験中に患者をどのようにして中心に位置づけるか、患者のデータをどのように含めるか、そして患者中心のケアをどのように実施するのかなどが体系的に述べられています。
In 2023, Center for Drug Evaluation (CDE) issued three consecutive guidelines related to patient-centricity.[xi] In these guiding principles, it systematically states how to put patients in the center during clinical trial, how to include patients’ data, how to implement clinical trial with a “patient-centered” care and so on.

上記の指導原則に示された中国の患者中心の取り組みのひとつを紹介すると、「リモートインテリジェンス」や「バーチャルプラットフォーム」、「テクノロジー」を活用して患者中心の臨床試験を実施するDCT(分散型臨床試験)です。[xii] 指導原則には「患者中心の臨床試験の実施は、たとえばインフォームドコンセントのプロセスをより患者に優しいものにし、不必要な訪問を最小限に抑えるなど参加者の体験を向上させ、かつ負担を軽減させることを目的としている。また参加者の安全と権利を保護するという原則の下で、研究対象や治験薬、試験の特性に応じて、信頼性が高くかつ事前に定義され、検証された新しいテクノロジーと方法を採用し、革新的な臨床試験モデルを実現できる」と述べられており、患者中心で従来の臨床試験の実施シーンに限定されない新しいタイプの臨床試験モードの例として分散型臨床試験が取り上げられています。[xiii]
One of China’s patient-centric initiatives from the guiding principles is Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCT) which leverages remote intelligence,virtual platform & technology to implement patient-centered clinical trial.[xii] Because from the issued principles, it was mentioned, “Implementing patient-centered clinical trials aims to improve participant experience and reduce burden, for example, by making the informed consent process more patient-friendly and minimizing unnecessary visitations. Under the principles of protecting participant safety and rights, reliable, predefined, and validated new technologies and methods can be adopted according to the characteristics of the study population, investigational drugs, and trial, enabling innovative clinical trial models”, followed by taking DCT as an example of a new type of clinical trial mode which is patient-centered and not restricted to traditional clinical trial implement scene.[xiii]
Besides, principles have been established for internet platform recruitment/intelligent recruitment based on big data of patient information, electronic/remote informed consent, remote visits, direct-to-patient drug delivery, patient experience data collection, and remote monitoring.[xiv]

If you think about it a bit more, DCT represents a smart combination of digitalization and patient-centricity. Although DCT is still in its early stage and there are many immature aspects, the changes brought about by digitalization and patient-centered principle to the healthcare system are already visible. Additionally, the tech-savvy Chinese are quite open to new technologies and application scenarios if you think about the widespread adoption of cashless payment and purchase rate of new energy vehicles. Therefore, this kind of combination is expected to provide new models and possibilities for the pharmaceutical industry in the future.
References 参考文献
[i] https://www.nhsa.gov.cn/art/2023/7/10/art_7_10995.html
[ii] https://www.gov.cn/lianbo/bumen/202310/P020231012649046990925.pdf
[iii] https://www.gov.cn/zhengce/content/2015-03/30/content_9560.htm
[iv] https://www.gov.cn/lianbo/bumen/202310/P020231012649046990925.pdf
[v] https://www2.deloitte.com/cn/zh/pages/life-sciences-and-healthcare/articles/cn-medicine-and-health-rising-star-2023.html
[vi] https://www.gov.cn/yaowen/liebiao/202312/content_6920238.htm
[vii] https://www.21jingji.com/article/20231217/herald/927a3eb62a80086a2559cca9d39bb3e2.html
[viii] https://news.12371.cn/2016/10/25/VIDE1477399803909543.shtml
[ix] https://www2.deloitte.com/cn/zh/pages/life-sciences-and-healthcare/articles/cn-medicine-and-health-rising-star-2023.html
[x] https://stcn.com/article/detail/1255214.html
[xi] https://www.yxj.org.cn/detailPage?articleId=399775
[xii] https://www.shsmu.edu.cn/cri/info/1004/1841.htm
[xiii] https://www.yxj.org.cn/detailPage?articleId=399775
[xiv] https://www.yxj.org.cn/detailPage?articleId=399775
[ii] https://www.gov.cn/lianbo/bumen/202310/P020231012649046990925.pdf
[iii] https://www.gov.cn/zhengce/content/2015-03/30/content_9560.htm
[iv] https://www.gov.cn/lianbo/bumen/202310/P020231012649046990925.pdf
[v] https://www2.deloitte.com/cn/zh/pages/life-sciences-and-healthcare/articles/cn-medicine-and-health-rising-star-2023.html
[vi] https://www.gov.cn/yaowen/liebiao/202312/content_6920238.htm
[vii] https://www.21jingji.com/article/20231217/herald/927a3eb62a80086a2559cca9d39bb3e2.html
[viii] https://news.12371.cn/2016/10/25/VIDE1477399803909543.shtml
[ix] https://www2.deloitte.com/cn/zh/pages/life-sciences-and-healthcare/articles/cn-medicine-and-health-rising-star-2023.html
[x] https://stcn.com/article/detail/1255214.html
[xi] https://www.yxj.org.cn/detailPage?articleId=399775
[xii] https://www.shsmu.edu.cn/cri/info/1004/1841.htm
[xiii] https://www.yxj.org.cn/detailPage?articleId=399775
[xiv] https://www.yxj.org.cn/detailPage?articleId=399775
英語原文作成:Wenxin Huang 日本語版編集:程野耕治
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Wenxin Huang
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