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Series Blog|シリーズ 「海外の医療トレンド」 010  Overseas Medical Trends

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The Current State of Medical Care in Vietnam and Challenges

Hello, I'm My Ha. Originally from Vietnam, I've been living in Japan for about 14 years. In this post, I’ll be sharing insights about healthcare in my home country, Vietnam, in comparison to some aspects of Japan. I hope that understanding Vietnam's healthcare system provides Japanese healthcare providers with valuable insights into a dynamic and evolving market. These insights can help Japanese healthcare services explore opportunities for collaboration, adapt to cultural nuances, and foster meaningful partnerships that drive innovation benefiting both countries.
Brief Overview of Vietnam’s Healthcare System
Vietnam has a diverse and complex healthcare system that has undergone significant changes in recent decades. As the country has experienced rapid economic growth and development, the healthcare sector has evolved to meet the needs of its growing population. It would be interesting to compare the healthcare systems of Japan and Vietnam by taking a closer look at Vietnam’s healthcare system. 
Vietnam’s healthcare system is a blend of public and private services, with the government striving toward universal healthcare coverage.
◆公的医療 Public Healthcare
Vietnam’s public healthcare system is the backbone of the country’s healthcare infrastructure. Public hospitals dominate the system, accounting for nearly 80% of the total number of hospitals and 98% of patient beds in Vietnam by the end of 2022, according to the Việt Nam Private Hospital Association. It is primarily managed by the Ministry of Health and consists of a network of hospitals, clinics, and community health centers. These facilities are government-funded and provide subsidized or low-cost care to Vietnamese citizens.
In contrast, the majority of hospitals in Japan are private, while 15% are public hospitals owned by the national government, prefectures, and municipalities. These hospitals are distributed across the country, ensuring accessibility. The Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare closely monitors hospital treatments and sets a fee schedule to regulate costs.
The public hospital system in Vietnam is divided into three levels: central, provincial, and district. 
Central-level hospitals are the largest and most well-equipped, often serving as referral centers for more complex medical cases. Provincial hospitals are typically larger than district hospitals and offer a wider range of services. District-level hospitals are smaller and focus on primary care and basic medical services.
In addition to hospitals, Vietnam has a network of community health centers (CHCs) that serve as the primary entry point for healthcare in many rural and remote areas. These centers provide basic medical services, preventive care, and health education to local communities. This system also plays a key role in managing public health issues, such as pandemics, due to its extensive reach.
Public hospitals in Vietnam often face underfunding, leading to outdated equipment, facilities, and overcrowding issues. Meanwhile, Japan’s public hospitals receive substantial government funding, allowing them to stay well-equipped and maintain high-quality facilities.
◆民間医療 Private Healthcare
While the public healthcare system remains the dominant provider of medical services, Vietnam’s private healthcare sector has grown significantly in recent years. Private hospitals, clinics, and specialized centers offer a range of services, often catering to the needs of the country’s growing middle class and expatriate population. Private healthcare facilities in Vietnam can vary greatly in terms of size, specialization, and quality of care. Overall, private hospitals in Vietnam are generally modern, well-equipped, and offer a higher standard of care compared to public hospitals, though some may have more limited resources and capabilities. 
Private hospitals and clinics offer higher quality services and shorter wait times but are more expensive. Many Vietnamese people, especially those with higher incomes, choose private healthcare for better service and advanced medical treatments. Although new regulations allow patients with universal healthcare insurance to be covered in private hospitals that have contracts with the insurance system, most private hospitals are either only partially covered or not covered at all by healthcare insurance. Vietnam’s continued economic development, growth of the middle class, increasing demand for high-quality healthcare services, and government efforts to support the growth of private healthcare are key drivers in the healthcare system.
Hospitals in Japan fundamentally operate as non-profit organizations and are typically owned and managed by physicians. The Japanese government oversees and strictly regulates medical fees to keep treatments affordable for the public. Private hospitals are included in Japan’s universal health insurance system, meaning patients can receive treatment at these hospitals with the same insurance benefits as at public hospitals. Patients have the freedom to choose between public and private hospitals based on their preferences and needs.
Healthcare Financing and Insurance
Vietnam is striving toward a universal healthcare system through government-provided social health insurance. The national health insurance program, known as Vietnam Social Security (VSS), is a compulsory scheme that covers the majority of the population. Employers and employees are required to contribute to the system, and individuals who are not formally employed can also enroll voluntarily. As of 2024, about 93.4% of the population has health insurance coverage. The government fully covers health insurance costs for the poor, ethnic minorities, children under six, and elderly people over 80. Vietnam and Japan are similar in this aspect. Japan is well known for its universal health coverage, with its statutory health insurance system (SHIS) covering 98.3% of the population, while the remaining 1.7% is covered through the public social assistance program for impoverished individuals.

The VSS system provides coverage for a wide range of medical services, including inpatient and outpatient care, diagnostic tests, and certain types of treatments. The level of coverage and co-payment requirements can vary depending on the individual’s enrollment status and the specific services they require. While the VSS system has helped improve access to healthcare in Vietnam, it still faces challenges, such as limited coverage for certain treatments and medications, long waiting times at public facilities, and disparities in the quality of care between urban and rural areas.
Key Challenges
Vietnam’s healthcare system faces several challenges, including a shortage of qualified medical staff, outdated facilities, and high demand for healthcare services due to an aging population and the prevalence of non-communicable diseases. Most hospitals are outdated and suffer from chronic overcrowding. Hospitals in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City receive up to 60% of the country’s patients and operate at 200% of their capacity.
Along with the declining birth rate, Vietnam’s aging population is resulting in higher demand for healthcare services and products. According to the WHO, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) account for approximately 74% of total deaths in Vietnam. Vietnam is one of the countries with the fastest-aging populations in the world and is expected to enter the aging population period by 2036. About 22% of the population suffers from chronic diseases, and on average, each elderly Vietnamese person suffers from 3 to 4 diseases, according to 2023 statistics.
Need for Medical Equipment
Much of the existing medical equipment in public hospitals in Vietnam is outdated and needs replacement. Many hospitals lack sufficient equipment for surgeries and intensive care units. Over 90% of medical equipment in Vietnam is imported, and there is a significant need for modern devices to enhance healthcare services. To upgrade and expand their facilities, improve operational efficiency, and provide better services, hospitals are investing in advanced medical devices.
According to the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), Vietnam’s healthcare expenditure was approximately USD 18.5 billion in 2022, representing 4.6% of the country’s GDP. Vietnamese public hospitals rely largely on the state budget to upgrade their facilities, equipment, and services. Although the total budget for the health sector has increased, it remains insufficient to meet growing demands.
A shortage of qualified medical staff is common in many hospitals. Doctors and nurses often work under stressful conditions with relatively low wages, especially in public hospitals and clinics. Despite a robust medical education system, Vietnam faces significant challenges in maintaining and developing its healthcare workforce. The country has experienced a "brain drain," as many highly trained healthcare professionals leave public facilities for private hospitals or seek opportunities abroad due to better salaries and working conditions.
Urban-Rural Disparities
Another key challenge facing the Vietnamese healthcare system is the significant disparity in access to medical services between urban and rural areas, as well as among different socioeconomic groups. Most healthcare professionals in Vietnam are concentrated in urban areas, leaving many rural and remote communities with a shortage of medical personnel. People living in urban areas generally have better access to healthcare facilities, advanced medical technologies, and a wider range of specialist services. In contrast, rural and remote communities often face longer travel times, fewer healthcare resources, and more limited options for specialized care.
This situation has led to a lack of trust in local-level healthcare facilities, forcing patients to travel to large cities, which exacerbates overcapacity issues in central hospitals. High-quality healthcare services are not yet widely available in Vietnam, leading around 40,000 Vietnamese people to spend approximately USD 2 billion annually on medical services abroad, according to the Ministry of Health.
Cultural and Social Habits Related to Medicines and Healthcare
People in Vietnam have a diverse and complex approach to illness and treatment, rooted in cultural and social elements.
◆セルフメディケーション Self-Medication
Self-medication refers to the practice of treating illnesses or symptoms using medical products without a prescription or following unprofessional recommendations. Responsible self-medication involves using medicines that are officially approved for use without a prescription. In contrast, irresponsible self-medication involves using drugs that should not be used without a prescription.
In Vietnam, both responsible and irresponsible self-medication are prevalent. In both urban and rural areas, many people choose to visit pharmacies to obtain medicine for various symptoms. Medicines can be easily purchased at pharmacies, even those that typically require a prescription. Vietnam has over 25,000 types of drugs in circulation (excluding functional foods), with more than 40% being prescription-only drugs. However, in practice, almost any prescription drug can be easily purchased at pharmacies and drugstores without a prescription. Patients often self-medicate based on advice from friends and family or previous experiences.
This practice increases the risk of antibiotic resistance, with Vietnam being one of the countries with the highest rates of antibiotic resistance globally. Statistics show that over 50% of drugs used in Vietnam are antibiotics, a very high rate that contributes to the risk of severe antibiotic resistance. Antibiotics are a class of drugs that should be purchased with a doctor's prescription. However, since 2009, the number of antibiotics sold to the public has doubled, with up to 88% of antibiotics being sold without a prescription in cities and 91% in rural areas. Despite government efforts to tighten regulations, self-medication with prescription-only medicines remains common.
In contrast, in Japan, the revised Pharmaceutical Affairs Act was only recently enacted in 2009, introducing the concept of self-medication. Since then, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has actively encouraged self-medication as part of its healthcare policy to reduce the burden on the healthcare system. This includes promoting the use of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs for minor ailments.
However, Japan has strict regulations on self-medication. The country has stringent rules regarding OTC medications, with a limited range available and many requiring a prescription. For example, drugs like codeine-based pain relievers or medicines containing narcotic or stimulant ingredients in excess of Japanese standards—such as Tylenol Cold, NyQuil, Actifed, Sudafed, and Advil Cold & Sinus—require a prescription in Japan. The government also encourages the use of pharmacies for guidance on proper medication use.
◆伝統的な薬局 Traditional Medicine Shops
Many Vietnamese people still use traditional herbal remedies, which can be bought from specialized shops. These shops often sell a variety of herbs and traditional medicines, reflecting the country’s rich history of traditional medicine. 
Traditional treatments are often more accessible and culturally familiar, making them a preferred option for many people, especially in rural areas. Many Vietnamese prefer traditional medicine due to deep-rooted cultural beliefs and trust in these practices.
Self-medication refers to the practice of treating illnesses or symptoms using medical products without a prescription or following unprofessional recommendations. Responsible self-medication involves using medicines that are officially approved for use without a prescription. In contrast, irresponsible self-medication involves using drugs that should not be used without a prescription.
◆病気の認識 Perception of Illness
Illness in Vietnam is sometimes viewed through a holistic lens, considering the balance of body, mind, and environment. This perspective can lead to the use of both traditional and modern treatments to restore balance. Some illnesses are believed to be caused by spiritual or supernatural factors, prompting individuals to seek help from traditional healers or spiritual practitioners. 
Vietnam’s healthcare system is evolving, but significant challenges remain. Addressing issues such as overcrowded hospitals, outdated equipment, workforce shortages, and rural-urban disparities will be essential to improving healthcare access and quality. 
Understanding Vietnam's healthcare system offers Japanese healthcare providers valuable insights into a dynamic and evolving market. By exploring opportunities for collaboration, adapting to cultural nuances, and learning from Vietnam’s challenges and successes, Japanese healthcare services can enhance their global strategies and foster meaningful partnerships. This knowledge not only supports market expansion but also contributes to innovative solutions and improved public health strategies in both countries.
参考文献 References
英語原文作成: My Ha Thi TRAN 日本語版編集: 程野耕 

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