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Series Blog|シリーズ 「海外の医療トレンド」 009  Overseas Medical Trends

Overseas Medical Trends 9
今回お届けする「Special Topic」は、アメリカ在住で新薬開発の治験支援を行っているシグナントヘルス社の町澤さやか氏に、
“Overseas Medical Trends" is a series of blogs on overseas medical information,
brought to you by mct's "Medical Design Platform".
"Special Topic" is a series of articles by Sayaka Machizawa of Signant Health, a U.S.-based company that supports clinical trials
for new drug development, who will provide various perspectives on the current state of clinical trials in the United States.
"Medical Design Platform" helps solve business problems from the customer's perspective.
It is a unit that provides information and services related to "patient-centered medicine" of mct Inc.

Special Topic 4

 Precision Medicine: The Future of Tailored Healing
Sayaka Machizawa, Psy.D. 
Associate Director, Science & Medicine, Signant Health

1. プレシジョン・メディシンとは?
What is Precision Medicine?
Precision Medicine(プレシジョン・メディシン)の「Precision」という単語には、「精密」、「正確」、「的確」といった意味があり、日本語では「高精度医療」や「精密医療」と訳されることが多いようです。プレシジョン・メディシンは、患者一人ひとりに最も適した治療を提供することに焦点を当てています。患者ごとの遺伝子、分子、生理学的、環境的、そして行動的プロファイリングなどに基づいて治療を個別化することで、より効果的で最適なケアを提供すること目的としたアプローチです。主にがん治療で注目されていますが、その原則は神経行動障害をはじめとする幅広い疾患にも応用されつつあります。
In January 2015, President Obama (at the time) announced the "Precision Medicine Initiative" during his State of the Union address, which brought worldwide attention to the concept of precision medicine.
The term "precision" conveys meanings like "precise," "accurate," and "exact," and in Japanese, "precision medicine" is often translated as "高精度医療." This approach to healthcare focuses on delivering the most tailored treatment for each patient. By tailoring treatments to each patient’s unique genetic, molecular, physiologic, environmental, and behavioral profile, precision aims to provide more effective, individualized care. While it is most prominently associated with oncology, its principles are increasingly applied to a broader spectrum of diseases, such as neurobehavioral disorders.
This article explores the limitations of conventional RTC trials, highlights innovative new trial designs, and discusses both the challenges and opportunities that precision medicine brings to the forefront. 
2. プレシジョン・メディシン時代における従来のRCTの限界
The Limitations of Traditional RTCs for Precision Medicine
The One-Size-Fits-All Approach
Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have long been the gold standard in medical research, valued for their ability to reduce bias and provide solid evidence of treatment efficacy.
Traditional randomized controlled trials (RCTs) evaluate the effectiveness of a treatment based on the "statistical differences in average responses" obtained from comparing the treatment to a placebo or control group. This approach makes it difficult to align with the principles of precision medicine, which aim to provide the most suitable care and treatment for each individual. 
Traditional RCTs are based on the assumption that all patients will respond in the same way. In reality, however, diseases like cancer and psychiatric disorders are highly diverse, with significant variations in how different patients respond to the same treatment[i]. For example, traditional clinical trials in oncology typically classify and treat cancers based on their tissue of origin (e.g., lung, breast, colon), which does not account for the significant molecular diversity within and between tumors of the same type. These trials often use a single drug or combination of drugs for all participants based on the tumor’s tissue of origin without considering individual molecular differences. This rigid approach limits the ability to provide personalized therapies that could potentially yield better outcomes for patients with unique molecular profiles.[ii]
Rigidity and High Costs
Traditional RCTs are also known for their high costs. They typically require large patient populations and lengthy follow-up periods to achieve statistical significance. This not only delays the introduction of potentially life-saving treatments but also drives up development costs. 
Moreover, traditional RCTs are inflexible. Once a trial begins, its structure is usually fixed, leaving little room for adjustments based on interim results. This rigidity can be especially problematic in conditions where early treatment responses provide valuable insights that could guide the course of care. For example, in the treatment of neurobehavioral disorders, various factors are intricately intertwined, meaning that responses to neurobehavioral treatments may not follow a simple dose-response pattern. As patients' needs, preferences, psychological and social circumstances, and neurobiology change over time, treatment outcomes can evolve in complex, nonlinear ways. However, traditional RCTs often involve fixed dosages and protocols, making it difficult to make flexible adjustments during the course of the trial.[iii]
3. プレシジョン・メディシン時代の革新的な治験のデザイン
Innovative Trial Designs in the Age of Precision Medicine
◆バスケット試験  Basket Trials
Precision medicine has sparked a revolution in clinical trial design, leading to methods that better reflect the complexities of modern healthcare. Precision medicine isn’t just about finding the most effective treatment for a disease; it’s about finding the best treatment for each individual patient. One of the most innovative developments in this area is the basket trial. Unlike traditional trials that focus on a single disease, basket trials assess the efficacy of a drug across multiple diseases sharing a common genetic mutation or biomarker. This approach is particularly valuable in oncology, where the same genetic alteration can drive different types of cancer.[iv]
A landmark example of this success is pembrolizumab, which the FDA approved for treating tumors with microsatellite instability-high (MSI-H) or mismatch repair-deficient (dMMR) mutations, regardless of tumor location—a groundbreaking shift from traditional cancer treatment based on anatomical origin.
◆アンブレラ試  Umbrella Trials
例えば、乳がんを対象とした「I-SPY 2試験」では、特定のバイオマーカーに基づいて患者をグループ分けし、それぞれに異なる治療法を試験しています。この方法により、アンブレラ試験はがん研究において新しい道を切り開いています。
Umbrella trials offer another compelling advancement. Unlike basket trials, which explore multiple diseases with a common mutation, umbrella trials focus on a single disease but stratify patients based on different genetic mutations or molecular features. This allows for the simultaneous testing of multiple targeted therapies within a single trial, making the process more efficient and informative.
The I-SPY 2 trial in breast cancer, which tests multiple therapies in different patient subgroups based on specific biomarkers, exemplifies how umbrella trials are reshaping cancer research.[]
◆アダプティブ試験  Adaptive Trials
Adaptive trials mark a significant advancement in clinical trial design, offering a dynamic and flexible framework that allows modifications based on interim findings. These modifications can include adjustments in dosing regimens, patient selection criteria, or the addition or removal of treatment arms. This adaptability not only enhances the efficiency of trials but also minimizes the exposure of patients to potentially ineffective treatments.
By emphasizing reliable predictors and reducing the influence of unstable ones, adaptive models optimize performance and improve the ability to match therapies to the specific characteristics of individual patients. This approach is especially valuable in precision medicine, where small and diverse patient populations benefit from real-time adjustments, leading to more accurate and meaningful outcomes.[vi]
4. 革新的治験デザインの課題と展望
Challenges and Opportunities for Innovative Trial Designs
Practical Challenges
Implementing these innovative trial designs poses significant logistical challenges. Advanced molecular testing, crucial for identifying specific genetic mutations or biomarkers that guide patient selection, can require specialized equipment and expertise. In community-based oncology practices, where resources may be limited, this can be a significant barrier to participation in precision medicine trials[vii]. In addition, findings enough participants with specific genetic mutations or biomarkers can be difficult and time-consuming, requiring time and resources for screening.
Hope for Rare or Difficult-to-Treat Conditions
Another significant opportunity in precision medicine is improving outcomes for patients with rare or difficult-to-treat conditions. Traditional trials often exclude these patients or group them in ways that obscure meaningful differences in treatment response. Precision medicine trials, however, can focus on specific genetic mutations or biomarkers driving these conditions, leading to more effective and targeted treatments. This approach has already led to breakthroughs in treating rare cancers and other previously untreatable conditions.
Leveraging Advanced Technologies
さらに、デジタルフェノタイピング(Digital Phenotyping)と呼ばれる、スマートフォンやウェアラブルデバイスなどのデジタル技術を活用して、個人の行動、感情、健康状態に関するデータをリアルタイムで収集・分析する手法や、エコロジカル・モーメンタリ・アセスメント(Ecological Momentary Assessment, EMA)と呼ばれる、日常生活における個人の経験や行動をリアルタイムで評価する手法といった先端技術を活用することで、治療効果をより正確にリアルタイムで測定することができます。これらのツールを使うことで、患者の反応に基づいて治療を調整し、より効果的で個別化されたケアが可能になります。たとえばデジタルフェノタイピングは、患者の行動や環境に関するリアルタイムのデータを継続的に提供し、症状のパターンや引き金を特定するのに役立ちます。
Advanced technologies like digital phenotyping and ecological momentary assessment (EMA) offer more precise, real-time measurements of treatment effects. These tools facilitate the development of adaptive treatments that are continuously refined based on patient responses, leading to more effective and individualized care. For instance, digital phenotyping, which involves the passive collection of data from smartphones and wearable devices, can provide continuous, real-time information about a patient’s behavior and environment, helping to identify patterns and triggers for symptoms.[viii]
The Promise of AI and Machine Learning
Another area with vast potential is using machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) in precision medicine clinical trials. These technologies enhance the predictive accuracy of biomarker-driven trials and optimize patient selection for specific therapies. By analyzing large datasets from previous trials and real-world evidence, machine learning algorithms can uncover patterns and correlations that may not be apparent to human researchers, leading to more accurate predictions and more efficient clinical trials.[ix]
5. 最後に プレシジョン・メディシンの展望
The Future of Precision Medicine
Clinical trials in the era of precision medicine are evolving rapidly, fueled by innovative approaches and advancements in technology. Precision medicine is deeply connected to patient centricity, a concept we've explored in this series. Precision medicine uses biological and molecular data to deliver the most appropriate treatment at the right time, while patient-centricity ensures that patients' preferences and values are respected, allowing them to play an active role in decision-making. By combining these two approaches, we can achieve more effective, patient-centered healthcare.
参考文献 Reference
[i] Garralda E, Dienstmann R, Piris-Giménez A, Braña I, Rodon J, Tabernero J. New clinical trial designs in the era of precision medicine. Mol Oncol. 2019 Mar;13(3):549-557. doi: 10.1002/1878-0261.12465. Epub 2019 Feb 22. PMID: 30698321; PMCID: PMC6396357.
[ii] Fountzilas, E., Tsimberidou, A.M., Vo, H.H. et al. Clinical trial design in the era of precision medicine. Genome Med 14, 101 (2022).
[iii] Lenze EJ, Nicol GE, Barbour DL, Kannampallil T, Wong AWK, Piccirillo J, Drysdale AT, Sylvester CM, Haddad R, Miller JP, Low CA, Lenze SN, Freedland KE, Rodebaugh TL. Precision clinical trials: a framework for getting to precision medicine for neurobehavioural disorders. J Psychiatry Neurosci. 2021 Jan 4;46(1):E97-E110. doi: 10.1503/jpn.200042. PMID: 33206039; PMCID: PMC7955843.
[iv] Duan, XP., Qin, BD., Jiao, XD. et al. New clinical trial design in precision medicine: discovery, development and direction. Sig Transduct Target Ther 9, 57 (2024).
[v]  Garralda E, Dienstmann R, Piris-Giménez A, Braña I, Rodon J, Tabernero J. New clinical trial designs in the era of precision medicine. Mol Oncol. 2019 Mar;13(3):549-557. doi: 10.1002/1878-0261.12465. Epub 2019 Feb 22. PMID: 30698321; PMCID: PMC6396357.
[vi] Garralda E, Dienstmann R, Piris-Giménez A, Braña I, Rodon J, Tabernero J. New clinical trial designs in the era of precision medicine. Mol Oncol. 2019 Mar;13(3):549-557. doi: 10.1002/1878-0261.12465. Epub 2019 Feb 22. PMID: 30698321; PMCID: PMC6396357.
[vii] Ersek JL, Black LJ, Thompson MA, Kim ES. Implementing Precision Medicine Programs and Clinical Trials in the Community-Based Oncology Practice: Barriers and Best Practices. Am Soc Clin Oncol Educ Book. 2018 May 23;38:188-196. doi: 10.1200/EDBK_200633. PMID: 30231363.
[viii] Lenze EJ, Nicol GE, Barbour DL, Kannampallil T, Wong AWK, Piccirillo J, Drysdale AT, Sylvester CM, Haddad R, Miller JP, Low CA, Lenze SN, Freedland KE, Rodebaugh TL. Precision clinical trials: a framework for getting to precision medicine for neurobehavioural disorders. J Psychiatry Neurosci. 2021 Jan 4;46(1):E97-E110. doi: 10.1503/jpn.200042. PMID: 33206039; PMCID: PMC7955843.
[ix] Johnson KB, Wei WQ, Weeraratne D, Frisse ME, Misulis K, Rhee K, Zhao J, Snowdon JL. Precision Medicine, AI, and the Future of Personalized Health Care. Clin Transl Sci. 2021 Jan;14(1):86-93. doi: 10.1111/cts.12884. Epub 2020 Oct 12. PMID: 32961010; PMCID: PMC7877825.
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