Blog|シリーズ 「海外の医療トレンド」 011 Overseas Medical Trends

What are signals?

When we talk about signals, we always mean “signals of change” which indicates a shift, or innovation from what we know before. Signals can be new products or services, new business models, new regulations, new behavioral habits, demographic shifts, and more[i].
Instead of prediction of the future, a good signal tells the difference, and it serves as a clue to the future. In the field of healthcare industry, signals should be relevant to the industry, covering a variety of aspects including technology advancement, patient needs, regulatory changes., etc.
Instead of prediction of the future, a good signal tells the difference, and it serves as a clue to the future. In the field of healthcare industry, signals should be relevant to the industry, covering a variety of aspects including technology advancement, patient needs, regulatory changes., etc.
Here are some examples of signals in the healthcare field.
◇Signal 1:
Synchron is creating a Brain-Computer Interface that translates brain signals, enabling individuals with paralysis to control digital devices solely using their thoughts. Synchron announced that its BCI can now be used with Alexa, allowing control without the need for voice or physical interaction with a touchscreen.[ii]
変化の兆し Shift:
出典:Wired 2024年9月
出典:Wired 2024年9月
We can see the shift from traditional interface such as voice/touchscreen to mind-based control in the future. In addition, we can also see the changes brought by technology to personalized care for those with mobility impairment.
Source: Wired 2024/9
Source: Wired 2024/9
◇Signal 2:
アップル社は、アップルウォッチに睡眠時無呼吸症候群を検知する新機能を導入し、さらにAirPods Pro2では世界初となる包括的な聴覚健康管理機能として、医療機器グレードのOTC補聴器機能を実装しました。これらの新機能について、睡眠時無呼吸症候群の通知機能、および聴力検査・補聴器機能は、米国食品医薬品局(FDA)や各国の保健当局から近日中に販売承認を取得できる見込みです。[iii]
Apple Watch has introduced new sleep apnea notifications on the Apple Watch, and the world’s first all-in-one hearing health experience including a clinical-grade, over-the-counter Hearing Aid feature on AirPods Pro 2. The sleep apnea notifications are expected to gain marketing authorization from the FDA and other global health authorities soon.The Hearing Test and Hearing Aid features are expected to gain marketing authorization from global health authorities soon.[iii]
変化の兆し Shift:
出典:Apple.com 2024年9月Apple is pushing the boundaries of wearable technology by adding more features that address sleep issues and integrating clinical-grade health features into consumer devices.
Source: Apple.com 2024/9
Source: Apple.com 2024/9
◇Signal 3:
Welshare Health announced it is developing the first decentralized application allowing individuals to contribute to AI-driven medical research. The app enables patients to take more control over their own health data and customize their contributions to medical studies. The app eliminates intermediaries and connects patients directly with medical research. The company utilizes Web3 technologies including blockchain-based smart contracts to secure data, ownership, and privacy.[iv]
変化の兆し Shift:
出典:morningstar.com 2024年9月
出典:morningstar.com 2024年9月
Apple is pushing the boundaries of wearable technology by adding more features that address sleep issues and integrating clinical-grade health features into consumer devices.
Source: Apple.com 2024/9
Source: Apple.com 2024/9
◇Signal 4:
米国食品医薬品局(FDA)は5月14日、子宮頸がんスクリーニング用のHPV(ヒトパピローマウイルス)検査2製品(BD社のOnclarity HPVとロシェ社のcobas HPV)について承認範囲を拡大しました。これにより、内診を受けることが困難な方や希望しない方でも、診療所や薬局などの医療施設内であれば、自己採取による検査が可能となりました。従来の米国での子宮頸がん検診では、医療者による内診時の子宮頸部細胞採取が必要とされていました。[v]
The FDA expanded approvals for two HPV tests used in cervical cancer screening: Onclarity HPV (BD) and cobas HPV (Roche) on May 14. People can now collect their own vaginal samples for HPV testing if they can't or prefer not to have a pelvic exam, but the sample must be taken in a health care setting such as clinics or pharmacies. Previously, cervical cancer screening in the United States required a healthcare provider to collect cervical cells during a pelvic exam.[v]
変化の兆し Shift:
出典:Cancer.gov 2024年7月
出典:Cancer.gov 2024年7月
These options of self-examination would widen the access to HPV screen, expecting more people who don’t want or cannot take the pelvic exam to take the tests.
Source: Cancer.gov 2024/7
Source: Cancer.gov 2024/7
◇Signal 5:
カリフォルニア州のギャビン・ニューサム知事は、医療分野におけるAI使用に関する2つの法案に署名しました。1つ目の『医師決定法』(SB 1120)は、保険会社によるAIを用いた保険適用判断において患者の医療履歴の考慮を必須とし、医療必要性の最終判断権を医師に付与するものです。2つ目の法律(AB 3030)は、医療機関に対し、患者とのコミュニケーション(文書・口頭の両方)にAIが活用された場合の情報開示を義務付けています。[vi]
California Governor Gavin Newsom signed two healthcare AI bills into law: The “Physicians Make Decisions Act” (SB 1120) and Health Care Services: Artificial Intelligence” (AB 3030). The “Physicians Make Decisions Act” (SB 1120) ensures insurers using AI in making coverage decisions must take patients’ medical history into account and madidates physicians to have final authority on medical necessity. The second law (AB 3030) requires that providers to disclose when AI has contributed to patient communications, covering both written and verbal information in healthcare settings.[vi]
変化の兆し Shift:
出典:aimedalliance.org 2024年10月
出典:aimedalliance.org 2024年10月
It shows the shift towards more regulated AI use in healthcare decision-making process. It also shows shift towards more transparency on AI use and patients’ awareness of AI’s role during the healthcare process.
Source: aimedalliance.org 2024/10
Source: aimedalliance.org 2024/10
Overall, from these signals above, we can observe advancements in digital device technology, policy changes driven by new innovations and healthcare progress in expanding access, making it more inclusive. Additionally, healthcare is becoming increasingly personalized, utilizing advanced technology to protect patient privacy and broaden accessibility for a wider population. Therefore, we can tell that the healthcare industry needs to consider the future, be responsive to the latest technology in order to better serve users, which does not only applies to medical devices makers but to the pharmaceutical companies.
From signals to future design

As mentioned above, it is not difficult to see the shifts or changes indicated by the signals. Furthermore, how exactly can signals help us know about the future? Signals are tools for futures design. In the previous article “mctのグローバルデザイン×フューチャー・デザイン” published in mct’s Insight blog, it already explained what is Future Design and mct’s Futures design process in detail.
To put it simply, Futures design is an approach to gain strategic foresight by exploring multiple potential future scenarios. The goal is to assist organizations in making future decisions aiming for a more desirable future, following the envisioned outcomes and roadmap conceived through this approach.
mct uses a futures design process that combines design thinking and future design expertise to help envision innovative products of the future. The process starts with a thorough study of trends and signals of change, which form the basis for developing scenarios that explore different perspectives and potential futures. These scenarios then will be verified and evaluated through subsequent ideas and conceptual prototyping. Thus, through repeated improvements, the scenario will be further developed, and eventually it will also be used in back casting to develop a roadmap, and it will be possible to create a roadmap for future products or technologies.[vii]
To put it simply, Futures design is an approach to gain strategic foresight by exploring multiple potential future scenarios. The goal is to assist organizations in making future decisions aiming for a more desirable future, following the envisioned outcomes and roadmap conceived through this approach.
mct uses a futures design process that combines design thinking and future design expertise to help envision innovative products of the future. The process starts with a thorough study of trends and signals of change, which form the basis for developing scenarios that explore different perspectives and potential futures. These scenarios then will be verified and evaluated through subsequent ideas and conceptual prototyping. Thus, through repeated improvements, the scenario will be further developed, and eventually it will also be used in back casting to develop a roadmap, and it will be possible to create a roadmap for future products or technologies.[vii]

mctのフューチャーズデザインプロセス Futures design process of mct
Nonetheless, it is worth mentioning that futures design is not aimed at simply accurately predicting the future. This approach views the future as a landscape of endless possibilities, identifies various patterns, and then chooses the future that the company aspires to achieve and make preparation.
In today's rapidly changing situation, known as the VUCA era, it is essential for companies including companies in healthcare industry to be able to envision potential futures that have yet to be seen in order to manage the uncertainty and ambiguity.
If you're interested in learning more about futures design or developing your skills, feel free to reach us, where you can access futures design training tailored to your needs. mct offers a supportive environment to help you achieve your goals.
参考文献 References
英語原文作成:Wenxin Huang 日本語版編集:程野耕治
Wenxin Huang
株式会社mct エクスペリエンスデザイナー
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- CX・顧客経験
- インサイト
- グローバル
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- イベント告知
- デザイン思考
- 働き方
- コ・クリエーション
- チームワーク
- セミナー
- 働き方改革
- ヘルスケア
- 顧客中心
- covid19
- futuredesign
- エクスペリエンスデザイン
- エスノグラフィックリサーチ
- デザイン
- サスティナビリティ
- リモートコラボレーション
- 事業開発
- 患者理解
- 製薬
- ソリューション
- ワークショップ
- 患者中心
- ペイシェント・セントリシティ
- オンラインワークショップ
- ギャップファインディング
- signal
- カスタマージャーニー
- 従業員体験
- 技術開発
- 101_design_methods
- エンゲージメントデザイン
- デザインリサーチ
- メソッド
- サービスデザイン
- シグナル
- トレーニング
- 機会探索
- PlayfulNetwork
- マインドセット
- SDGs
- サーキュラーエコノミー
- フューチャー思考
- CSA Research
- mcTV
- フューチャーデザイン
- プレイフル
- 事例
- 製品・サービス開発
- フィールドワーク
- ブランディング
- メタファー
- リフレーム
- Forrester research
- エフェクチュエーション
- カルチャーコード
- クルースキャン
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- ビジネスデザインプログラム
- フレームワーク
- プロトタイピング
- CultureMeetup
- leadership
- mct labo
- デザインスプリント
- トレンドリサーチ
- ビジネスモデル
- 映像編集
- CXマネジメント
- Remo
- インタラクションマップ
- デジタルエクスペリエンス
- デジタルツール
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- ファシリテーション
- 学習
- Employeeexperience
- wasedaneo
- お知らせ
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- セルフドキュメンタリー
- デザインシステム
- デザイントレンド
- デザインマネジメント
- ベンチマークリサーチ
- リーンスタートアップ
- 創造性開発
- 学習体験デザイン
- 市場調査
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- 経営戦略
- 資本提携