Blog|シリーズ 「海外の医療トレンド」 012 Overseas Medical Trends

Do you have a go-to conference that you attend every year, or do you decide which ones to participate in based on your current professional needs and circumstances? What factors influence your decision when selecting a conference?
Today, I’d like to share some insights into the conferences I regularly attend and how I identified the ones that best align with my research interests and professional goals.
Transitioning to the Clinical Trials Industry and Choosing Conferences

私が治験業界に転職したのは約8年前のことです。それまでは心理学専門の大学院で教鞭をとりながら、ニューロサイコロジストとして臨床業務にも携わっていました。当時は、American Psychological Association(APA)という米国最大の心理学の学会に毎年参加していましたが、治験業界に入ったばかりの頃は、どのカンファレンスが仕事に役立ち、自分に適しているのか全く分かりませんでした。
I made the transition into the clinical trials industry about eight years ago. Before that, I was teaching at a graduate school specializing in psychology while also working as a neuropsychologist in clinical practice. At the time, I regularly attended the American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Conference, but when I first entered the clinical trials field, I had little insight into which conferences would be the most relevant or beneficial for my new career path.
One of the first things I discovered was the power of poster presentations as a tool for expanding my professional network. Presenting a poster allowed me to connect with attendees who shared similar research interests, fostering valuable discussions. These exchanges often led to fresh insights and, in some cases, even sparked new research ideas. Recognizing this, I began collaborating with colleagues to develop abstracts and actively sought opportunities to present at conferences.
Each conference has its own unique characteristics — some are more industry-driven, while others have a stronger academic focus. Some are open and welcoming to newcomers, whereas others have a more exclusive or close-knit atmosphere. By attending a variety of conferences and engaging with other participants through poster presentations, I gradually identified which ones best aligned with my areas of expertise — Alzheimer’s disease and psychiatric disorders—as well as my professional interests. At the same time, I found environments where I felt comfortable and could build meaningful connections.
Through this journey, I have come to appreciate the importance of selecting the right conferences, actively participating in them, and fostering professional relationships. These elements have been instrumental in shaping my career in the clinical trials industry.
Key Conferences I Attend

◇CTAD(The Clinical Trials on Alzheimer’s Disease Conference)
CTAD is a premier conference dedicated to clinical trials for Alzheimer’s disease, bringing together top researchers from the pharmaceutical industry and academia to share the latest findings. It plays a critical role in advancing Alzheimer’s treatments. This year, it will be held on December 1–4 in San Diego, USA.
CTADの魅力 Why Attend CTAD?
◆最前線の臨床試験データ Access to the latest clinical trial data:
The Alzheimer’s research field is evolving rapidly, and CTAD provides firsthand insights into new developments, often including unpublished data.
◆最先端のトピック Focus on emerging topics:
For example, last year’s conference highlighted the integration of blood biomarkers in both clinical practice and clinical trials.
◆丁度良い規模 Optimal conference size:
It is large enough to attract key stakeholders but not so overwhelming that it becomes difficult to focus on sessions or network effectively.
One of the most memorable moments I experienced at CTAD was the Phase 3 clinical trial results presentation for Lecanemab, co-developed by Eisai and Biogen. The excitement in the room was electrifying—it felt like a celebration of a major breakthrough. For anyone involved in Alzheimer’s clinical trials, CTAD is an invaluable event.
◇AAIC(The Alzheimer’s Association International Conference)
AAICは、アルツハイマー病および認知症に関する世界最大級の学会で、基礎研究から臨床ケアまで幅広いトピックが扱われます。今年のAAIC 2025は、カナダのトロントで7月に開催予定です。
AAIC is one of the largest global conferences on Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, covering a broad spectrum of topics from basic research to clinical care. The AAIC 2025 will take place in Toronto, Canada, in July.

AAICの特徴 What Makes AAIC Unique?
◆多様な分野が融合 Interdisciplinary approach:
Brings together experts from diverse fields, including basic neuroscience, pharmacology, and dementia caregiving.
◆圧倒的なスケール Unparalleled scale:
With thousands of poster presentations and hundreds of oral sessions, it provides extensive exposure to the latest research.Brings together experts from diverse fields, including basic neuroscience, pharmacology, and dementia caregiving.
◆国際的なネットワーク Global networking opportunities:
A chance to connect with professionals and researchers from around the world.
When I first attended AAIC, I was struck by its massive scale. From the moment I arrived at the airport, I noticed how the entire city was immersed in the conference atmosphere. It truly felt like a city-wide event.
Beyond the academic sessions, AAIC also prioritizes attendee well-being. When I attended, there were features such as massage stations and aromatherapy booths to help participants relax. This emphasis on making the event enjoyable as well as educational adds to its appeal.
◇ISCTM(The International Society for CNS Clinical Trials and Methodology)
ISCTMは、中枢神経系(CNS)疾患の治療薬開発や臨床試験の方法論に特化した学会です。うつ病、統合失調症、アルツハイマー病などの臨床試験に関する課題を議論し、より良い試験設計を模索する場となっています。今年のAnnual Meetingは、2月にワシントンDCで開催されたばかりです。
ISCTM is a conference focused on clinical trial design and methodology for Central Nervous System (CNS) disorders, covering conditions such as depression, schizophrenia, and Alzheimer’s disease. This year’s Annual Meeting took place in February in Washington, DC.
ISCTMの魅力 Why ISCTM Stands Out
◆専門性の高いワークグループ Specialized workgroups:
Topics include AI applications in trials, behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD), and psychedelic clinical trials, fostering in-depth discussions.
◆規制当局との直接対話 Direct engagement with regulatory agencies:
Representatives from the FDA and other regulatory bodies participate, providing valuable insights into evolving compliance and trial design guidelines.
◆ウェルカミングな雰囲気 Welcoming and collaborative atmosphere:
A relatively small and intimate setting that facilitates meaningful interactions with experts and encourages in-depth discussions.
I first attended this conference during the pandemic when it was held in a hybrid format, and I participated remotely. Later, when in-person sessions resumed, I had the opportunity to attend again—and I found that the in-person experience was far more enriching. One of the greatest strengths of this conference is its welcoming environment, where professionals from diverse backgrounds can engage in meaningful discussions and exchange ideas. Unlike remote participation, in-person attendance fosters spontaneous interactions and serendipitous conversations that lead to deeper learning and more valuable networking opportunities.
Finding the Right Conference for You

The reasons for attending a conference vary from person to person. For me, the most important goal was finding a community that felt like a professional home—an environment where I could not only learn but also actively engage and contribute.
Each conference has its own unique atmosphere and culture. The best way to determine which one is the right fit for you is to experience it firsthand—attend in person, immerse yourself in the environment, and get a feel for the interactions. By doing so, you will find a conference that aligns with your interests and professional goals!
町澤さやか MACHIZAWA Sayaka
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